News for October 21 — Scientists Infect Volunteers with Zika

Scientists infect volunteers with Zika: . As Zika is a virus, it would seem that the wildly successful mRNA models for vaccines would be the logical first place to look.

Hair straightener health risks: . Harsh chemicals often carry long-term risks.

Pig heart transplant recipient works to regain strength one month after transplant: .

WSJ: West Coast dominates the future of technology, although we miss that point: . The data screams my conclusion. The top three cities are 1-2-3 in both categories of the Journal’s ranking system, and are all on the West Coast, as are 3 more of the top 10. With all of the job opportunities in this time zone, a tech star should live here, period. Yes, I understand about the remote work potential. But you need contacts to job-hop, which is what the stars should focus on. That remains the most rapid way to advance your career.

WSJ: We name Pittsburgh a tech hot-spot, proving we do not understand our own data: . Pittsburgh is 23rd on the list of 27 cutting-edge areas. Having spent a great deal of time in Pittsburgh for a major client, I do not see Pittsburgh attracting people because of its housing prices. Indeed, Pittsburgh has low housing prices because it is not the most attractive place to live.

China’s housing overbuild: . As readers know, I have been saying for many months that China’s property market faces huge structural problems. This sector, which is 25% of China’s economy, faces significant overpricing due to oversupply and lack of demand. Even so, this article contains some eye-popping information. Experts believe that China has between 65 and 80 million units.

However, a former deputy head of China’s statistics bureau says these estimates may be low, with others estimating there is enough excess housing for 3 billion people, which is double the Chinese population of 1.4 billion. We also know that China cooks some of its data and does not disclose data it views as unfavorable, which adds to the possibility that this massive overbuilding estimate could be accurate. Furthermore, since this article was written, as readers know Country Garden has also defaulted.

Has China been overstating its economic growth figures in order to appear to be passing the US economy? As every actuary knows, when you can’t trust the data, all bets are off. However, given China’s immense desire for political prestige and recognition, number cooking could very well play a part in their economic claims. Those claims now look increasingly unsustainable.

WSJ: US provides missile defense systems to Israel: .

Saudi Arabia and UAE leaders meet to contain Middle East conflict: . These two have great oil wealth, which they use to fund others in the region. As Iran is primarily allied with terrorist groups, this may create a path to isolate Iran from the rest of the region.

WSJ: Ukraine continues slow advance as winter nears: .

WSJ: More on the 2 US hostages released by Hamas: .

The “flippers” admit significant portions of the Georgia RICO charges: . The comments by OJ’s lawyer are absurd, as I’ve noted before. Here’s why: . There are more potential flippers among the 16. I believe Mark Meadows is at the top of Fani Willis’ wish list, as his testimony will in my view make her case airtight.

WSJ: Actors and studios to restart negotiations as strike drags into fourth month: .

Astros lead Rangers 3-2 after winning third straight game: . With the series tied, the Astros won the critical fifth game with a 3-run homer in the ninth inning. WSJ: More: .

Sir Bobby Charlton passes at 86, as announced by his team: . More: .