News for October 18 — Long COVID and Reduced Serotonin

Long COVID and reduced serotonin: . We have long suspected the COVID virus remained in the bodies of long COVID patients. The stool samples here apparently confirm that. Also, the reduction of serotonin levels could have many of the effects attributed to long COVID. What is needed now is scientific evidence demonstrating the links in the logical chain described in the article.

You may recognize tryptophan as the amino acid in turkey alleged to be the culprit in sleepiness after Thanksgiving dinner (overeating is the more likely cause). It is actually found in many foods, and the level in turkey is similar to other poultry.

Persons with HIV at higher risk of COVID reinfection: . Um, excuse me for saying so, but DUH! Persons with HIV are immunocompromised. Of course they are at higher risk of reinfection from this incredibly infectious disease.

WSJ: Kaiser health cost increase data in charts: .

Pfizer proposes Paxlovid pricing: WSJ: . Pretty pricy …

WSJ: Rite Aid closing over 150 stores in bankruptcy: . The only Rite Aid closing in Oregon is the one I shop at …

The Gaza hospital explosion: . Here’s what I’ve learned from watching a variety of experts on the news. There is wide agreement that: (1) the offending ordinance was launched from the ground, it was not an airstrike; (2) the explosion did not hit the hospital but an adjacent parking lot; (3) that parking lot was packed with Palestinians seeking refuge in the hospital, accounting for the high casualty numbers; and (4) the ordinance still had a large fuel load, because there was an intense fire in the parking lot, so it just been launched. WSJ: More: . Still more: . Also: . And: .

WSJ: China’s long-term economic problems: . As we have said for some time, the property sector is overbuilt and, as 25% of China’s economy, will drag down the country’s economy for years. But the central problem is demographics. The “one child” policy created a generation with very few females, so the children are not there to become workers. Also, the population is now rapidly aging. These demographic issues overshadow everything the Journal’s experts have to say on this topic.

President Biden to deliver primetime address Thursday on Israel and Ukraine wars: . Anyone even remotely familiar with 20th Century history understands why supporting these countries is in our national interest. Again, Russia has lost 50% of its military readiness. We haven’t lost a soldier. The Ukraine war is debilitating Russia, so of course we should contribute aid to Ukraine.

The MAGA Maniacs don’t need your damn reality: . As the people quoted note, they’d vote for him no matter what. And when they vote for him, he wins. And if the numbers say no, it’s fixed – again. We need to rethink our definitions of mental illness …

Jordan fades on Day 2: . Orange Julius, of course, won’t get off the stage; does Jim have the same problem? Jordan needs to close up shop, which of course is another defeat for OJ.

Meanwhile, our search for a sane House Republican is coming up empty: . In yesterday’s newsletter, I called the 20 House Republicans voting against Jim Jordan “potentially sane”. We can cross Ken Buck of the list of “potentials”. Yes, Jordan will continue to bleed votes – everybody except Jordan can see that. However, Buck’s potential solutions are crazy. There is very bad blood now between Scalise and Jordan. The power-sharing arrangement does not work, because the Speaker and the Majority Leader would have to work very closely together. That’s not happening: .

Buck then suggests that Patrick McHenry gain more power as Speaker, but that he needs Democratic votes to do that. The Democrats have proposed a power-sharing agreement. So why would they do anything else?

Buck describes the situation as “three-dimensional chess”. No, it’s not. There are 220 Republicans standing in a circle peeing on each other’s shoes. That’s three-dimensional, but certainly not chess. It’s a terrible look for the House GOP, and the longer this goes on, the more insane the GOP looks. Let’s go, Jordan! WSJ: More: .

Top Western US small college: Claremont McKenna: WSJ: .

WSJ: ESPN’s finances struggle: .

Burt Young, Adrian’s brother in “Rocky”, passes at 83: .