News for October 9 — DeMentis Loses COVID Data Fight

DeMentis loses COVID data fight: . Just about every smart-aleck thing Ron has done in the last two years has been a failure. No surprise there …

Employer weight loss drug coverage could double next year: .

Scientists discover exclusome protecting DNA: .

Walgreens walkout disrupts pharmacy services: .

The yield curve is un-inverting: . The so-called experts are beginning to recognize the significance of what we’ve been saying about inversion for the last 18 months.

US wealth concentration continues to increase: . Our system remains overly stacked toward the wealthy. We have one of the most unequal wealth distributions in the world, which is the source of many social problems.

WSJ: House GOP prepares to screw things up again: . This strongly suggests another government shutdown is coming in 6 weeks. With 2 wars going on? This behavior is beyond irresponsible.

WSJ: The Senate tries to straighten out the House: . Are we taking bets on this?

Country Garden failed to make debt repayment, warns of further defaults: . Again, China’s economy has very serious problems which will continue for some time. WSJ: More: . Still more: . Also: . And then, Evergrande: .

Slowing growth in SE Asia: . The article fails to mention the important point that rising debt together with rising interest rates creates large increases in debt service requirements.

11 Americans killed in Hamas attack: . As many Israeli citizens have dual citizenship with the US or a European country, a large attack on the citizenry is almost by definition an international incident. Was this Hamas’ intent?

Israel orders complete siege of Gaza strip: . Hamas could certainly expect this type of response. The question is whether Israel will send ground troops into Gaza. My expectation is that they will. Israel certainly knows, for example, the firing location of almost every rocket sent against them. The latest death tolls report over 1600 have been killed in this conflict (900 Israelis and 700 Palestinians), and Hamas is holding at least 150 hostages. Between 6 and 12 US citizens are held as hostages, as estimated by Israel. More: .

GOP freaks out as they are caught lying about the US funding Iran’s terrorism: . This still won’t stop them from making up charges for which they have absolutely no evidence. WSJ: Huh? We join in: . Iran has not spent a cent of that money so far. Could you possibly pay attention to the facts rather than just making crap up?

Meanwhile, Hamas threatens to execute hostages: . This is of course a war crime. The Gaza Strip is already facing the full force of the Israeli Army. Executing any hostage would be a terrible decision. WSJ: More: .

RFK Jr. declares he will continue his self-promotion fantasy in support of Orange Julius: . RFK Jr. is quite obviously nothing like his father. Clearly, he has no chance of election as President or even altering the Democratic Party. RFK Jr. has literally nothing to offer but name recognition, which is a threat to the Biden candidacy as RFK Jr. will draw primarily Democratic voters. His campaign so far has been funded primarily by GOP donors. How clueless can you get? WSJ: More: .

OJ incensed he was dropped from the Fortune 400 list: . Boo-freaking-hoo … I do hope he makes the list of the Fortune 400 Wealthiest in Prison.

In other news, OJ has always been a complete idiot: . But that’s not really news, is it?

In other idiot news, Rand Paul: . And this isn’t news either …

World record pumpkin weighs well over a ton: . Unbelievable. The winner won $30,000.

11-year-old hits two holes-in-one in front of Tiger Woods: . This really is unbelievable.

Nobel Prize in Economics for study of gender pay disparity: . WSJ: More: . The prize went to Claudia Goldin of Harvard. But gee, you’d think an economist would know how to spell “golden” …