News for September 29 — US COVID Hospitalizations Decline Again

US COVID hospitalizations decline again: . EG.5 is now responsible for 30% of new infections.

About 1.8 million Americans got COVID shots last week: .

WSJ: Vaccine mandate litigation continues: .

No Surprises billing implementation problems: . According to the article, the problems center on freestanding emergency clinics. At the least, the Texas Medical Association is focused on protecting doctors’ income over overcharged patients.

US faces national blood shortage: .

Kaiser strike nears: . If no agreement is reached, more than 75,000 Kaiser employees could walk out Wednesday through Saturday (October 4 through 7).

WSJ: Is a childcare cliff coming?: . I would agree that this is not a cliff per se. However, childcare is increasingly unaffordable. Raising prices will drive many parents out of the workforce, especially in two-wage-earner families. So it may be a rolling impact, but we face a reckoning over the costs of childcare in the very near future.

UAW strike expands: . WSJ: More: . Note that this action extends to Ford, so the UAW does not appear to be close to settlement with any of the Big Three.

WSJ: United Airlines pilots win major raises: . Once again, I emphasize: Inflation is not under control. More: .

WSJ: Evergrande points to prolonged economic problems for China: . Hint for the Journal: Long slog means years, not months. Please get a clue. More from the Journal: . Again, please get a clue … Holiday travel won’t overcome the ongoing collapse of 25% of China’s economy.

Senator Dianne Feinstein passes at 90: . As there are already 3 California congresspersons running for her seat, Governor Newsom is in a difficult spot in naming a replacement: . Appointing any of the 3 looks like influencing the election, so I don’t believe Newsom will appoint any of them. A caretaker is the right choice, but London Breed and Karen Bass are politically ambitious women, and could enter the race. Oprah has megastar name recognition, so she also could win the seat if she entered the race.

One possibility is to leave the seat open, but with the narrow Democratic majority in the Senate, that seems irresponsible as it’s over a year until the election. Shirley Weber is black and 75 years old, but unless she declares of her own choice that she will not run, I don’t see how Newsom can impose that limitation. Weber was appointed to her office by Newsom in 2021, and was elected to a 4 year term in 2022. Possibly Newsom could appoint her to the Senate and appoint an acting Secretary of State in her absence – legal research is required to answer that question. That alone, however, would not prevent Weber from running for the Senate seat in 2024. More: . WSJ: More: . Still more: . More from the LA Times: .

McCarthy’s last-ditch plan to avoid shutdown ends up in the ditch: . But Kevin says he has other ideas. Somehow, I’m not reassured. Meanwhile, the Freedom Caucus shows the content of its character – ignorance and revenge: . Gee whiz, Marjorie, at least he’s protected you from the Jewish space lasers …

WSJ Editorial Board lights up the Freedom Caucus: . As readers know, it is rare to find anything on which the Journal’s editors and I agree. The point here is, the Freedom Caucus is blowing up the US government for absolutely nothing. It’s so obvious even the Journal’s editors figured it out.

Democrats look to stop No Labels from fielding a candidate: . Their point is undeniable. Any candidate they field has no chance of winning, but it opens a path for Orange Julius to regain the presidency.

Finally, pushback against OJ for suggesting General Milley merits death: . This is utterly irresponsible and probably criminal, but we have become sufficiently numb to OJ’s appalling behavior that most of us just look the other way.

WSJ: Milley responds to the wannabe dictator: . But, true to form, the Journal’s Editorial Board criticizes Milley for his choice of phrase: . Their argument? OJ commands respect as a former president, and MIlley violated his own norms by commenting. Are you all freaking nuts? OJ suggested Milley be executed, and you think OJ should command respect from Milley? Yes, indeed – you are all freaking nuts.

Meanwhile, OJ’s sanity is slipping away: . So shoplifting is now a crime punishable by death by cop – no arrest, no trial. And no mistakes? Future headline: “Cops shoot 13-year-old boy who was looking for his mother in store; city settles for $20 million.” Anyone who thinks this clown is anything other than dangerous is not thinking. Also, note that his favorite word is now “retribution”. That is absolutely not the same thing as “punishment”.

“Flipper” reappears in Georgia: . This “Flipper” has a “porpoise” – to keep his butt out of jail. As the article details, bail bondsman Scott Hall had extensive dealings with Sidney Powell and Jeffrey Clark in trying to subvert the Georgia election. He will walk away with 5 years of probation. Other lower-level defendants should be beating a path to Fani Willis’ door, because their chances of conviction just went up. WSJ: More: .

Convicted Proud Boy fugitive Christopher Worrell captured by FBI: . Worrell, found unconscious in his home, suffers from non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. It is unclear what led to the FBI “capture” – did they have the home under observation?

Baltimore Archdiocese files for bankruptcy: . Bottom line, the Catholic Church has abused children for centuries. They are a morally bankrupt institution. WSJ: More: .