News for September 20 — Free COVID Test Kits Return

Free COVID test kits return: . My recent illness demonstrated that the kits in my medicine cabinet were expired. I went through 4 kits (at $11.95 each) before finally testing negative today. Most of you should order new kits on September 25. WSJ: More: .

Feds fund long COVID clinics: .

Lessons from counseling the dying: . Two comments come to mind. First, the dying seem likely to express regrets. No one wants to go, and there are always things left undone or untried. Second, this reflects not only what the patients say, but what the chaplain hears. The chaplain says he grew up in a hierarchical environment where mental health was not a priority, which indicates he still has issues.

WSJ: UK inflation eases: . When inflation remains over 6%, I see no reason for BOE to pause rate hikes.

White House tells Rahm Emanuel to cool it on Xi criticism: . I previously wondered whether the White House tacitly approved of Emanuel’s comments because they had gone on for a while. Not so.

WSJ: Azerbaijan seizes disputed Nagorno-Karabakh: . Putin’s dream of expanding the Russian Empire results in crumbling influence in western Asia. More: .

WSJ: Ukrainian Supreme Court judge volunteers to shoot down Russian drones: . Simply put, our Supreme Court could use more of this and less of the conservative butt-sitters.

White House presses US House on shutdown consequences: .

Senate begins penetrating Tuberville’s hold on military promotions: . Tuberville’s behavior gums up our military readiness. WSJ: More: .

WSJ:  Venezuelan immigrants to get work permits: . This will add several hundred thousand lower-paid workers to US payrolls. This is likely best for everyone.

Georgia RICO defendants advance increasingly absurd legal arguments: . “Fake” means not a federal official. It’s also highly debatable whether the real electors were federal officials – they represent their state. So flip or take your 5 year minimum prison sentence – it is that simple. But it may be too late to flip for a prison-avoiding deal.

Pro-Orange Julius attorney now a prosecution witness: . Obviously, Fani Willis has something she wants Lin Wood to tell the jury which helps make the RICO case. It’s possible that Lin Wood does not know exactly what Willis wants, but most likely he does know. Willis is not going on a fishing expedition in front of the jury.

Exits from the OJ Train filling fast: . The Georgia RICO case seems to have broken the façade of loyalty, but the classified documents case is contributing defectors as well. This reminds me of the midpoint in the Watergate case, when The Washington Post began publishing new revelations day after day. Frankly, each day’s news now brings hope that the rule of law will be restored.

“Meet the Press” and Kristen Welker hammered over OJ interview: . So if you saw the interview, you see merit in this criticism. Why put Orange Julius on without confronting his lies? The media must step up – yesterday.

The Rude Dude’s sexual predation comes up – again: . When this many allegations surface against any male, the strong majority of them are true.

WSJ: California presses carbon disclosure rules: . As the article notes, California’s economic might gives it considerable reach in forcing this disclosure.

Toshiba goes private: WSJ: . So this looks like a direct approach to rehabilitate a Japanese industrial powerhouse from years of controversy. I expect the company to return to public ownership in a few years, at a handsome profit for the private-equity investors.

WSJ: Curbing Clydesdale docking: . Note that the Bud Light controversy led to Bud’s US market share dropping from 42% to 36.6%. But this means Bud lost 15% of its US sales over this mess (5.4/42 = 0.1475). Wow.

Archaeologists discover oldest known wooden structure: . Did anyone mention that the constructors were likely Black? Just askin’ …