News for August 25 — New Study Concerning Long COVID

New study concerning long COVID: .

CDC: Wait for COVID booster: . With the appropriate caveats, this makes sense because the new booster is better targeted to the varieties currently circulating. Someone who has had no prior COVID vaccinations should start now, and this is especially true for those over 65. Note that the new CDC Director expects vaccine availability in mid-September, earlier than the previously reported end of September. More: . Still more: .

Legionnaires’ disease linked to two Las Vegas hotels: . Clearly, this is not what you want to bring home from Las Vegas.

Schools close over respiratory illness surges: .

WSJ: Wegovy reduces heart failure problems: . Of course, this is a consequence of the strain excessive weight puts on the cardiovascular system. Lose the weight, reduce the stress.

Mass assisted deaths by “poison seller”: .

WSJ: Rite Aid will seek Chapter 11 bankruptcy to avoid opioid liabilities: .

WSJ: Powell waffles on Fed rate hikes: . The process remains data-driven, and the data currently suggests more rate hikes are needed. But the Journal thinks the Fed is done, and the question is when rates will be cut: . Again, my view is that another rate hike is still in the cards, and the Fed will hold rates higher into at least the second half of 2024. So let’s see who’s right.

US financial literacy is in the toilet: . So this article on cutting expenses from was reprinted verbatim by Yahoo, AOL and other sites. No one seems to realize that the headline is insane. Who can save $15K ($15,000) in expenses monthly? The only person that came to mind was Jeffrey Epstein, and he’s dead …

WSJ: A new strategy for remote work: “Core” weeks: . The company requires workers to be at headquarters only for 22 “core weeks” each year. So you can work remotely the other 30.

Surprising revision to Maui wildfire missing list: . The multiple lists out there previously all had 1,000 to 1,300 people listed. However, this FBI-curated list is under 400, suggesting the final death toll will be under 500, not over 1,000. Searchers have so far identified 115 human remains. Hopefully those families with missing persons will examine the FBI list to guarantee its accuracy. UPDATE: There are survivors on the list of 388: . Again, however, there may be missing persons not on this list – it is clearly not yet accurate.

Hawaiian Electric may have removed evidence of Maui wildfires cause: . CNN is quoting The Washington Post here, which again broke the story.

Supersonic passenger flights: .

WSJ: Crypto meets the IRS: . There is no way this is good for crypto. Previously missed tax liabilities now cannot slide through the tax system’s leaks.

Did the GOP presidential debates change minds?: . Well, not significantly, because only 10 million people saw it. However, commentators say Nikki Haley did the most to change those with open minds.

Mug shots for the Election Fraud 19: . MAGA Maniacs are now buying campaign memorabilia with Orange Julius’ mug shot. Sigh … a coffee mug with OJ’s mug … yuck …

WSJ: The OJ mug shot’s economics: . As is way too common, the Journal completely misses the point. As we noted yesterday, OJ is too stupid to understand that the mug shot is now his legacy photo. So is the Journal.

Charged co-conspirators turn on Orange Julius: . Bravado in support of your Orange Furor does not hold up against a minimum 5 year prison sentence. Willis is regularly described as a master of RICO, and so far that appears accurate. WSJ: More: .

 Also, the defense that they were acting at the direction of a federal officer isn’t going to get this case removed to federal court. Overturning a legitimate election is not within the scope of any federal officer’s duties. More: . Here, the electors claim to have received direction through OJ’s campaign attorneys, who are not part of the federal government. Those attorneys are not federal officials. These defendants are desperate, and rightly so. UPDATE: Experts see the same problems with Jeffrey Clark’s removal arguments: . Frankly, this is pretty basic logic. More desperation here.

Will Ken Chesebro get a separate trial starting in October?: . This is an interesting technical point. The article suggests that the judge will sever Chesebro from the other defendants because of his right to demand a speedy trial. My understanding was that Fani Willis wanted to accelerate the trial for all defendants in response, which is logical to me, but the judge could certainly come out with the approach described here. Willis has a counterargument, which is that it is unfair to her overall prosecution to try one case separately, but she may not make it and the judge also might not accept it.

UPDATE: Sidney Powell also demands a speedy trial: . This further complicates the decision the judge faces. Perhaps more defendants will demand a speedy trial, and the judge will split the trial in two. But again, he may advance the entire trial.

WSJ: We think OJ has defenses: . The Journal remains too timid to tell its readers the truth. OJ’s own words show he knew he lost. As we’ve stated several times, RICO was never limited to organized crime, and in any event, that comparison is not a defense. In no way is the case overcharged.

GW professor Jonathan Turley called out by legal experts: . Turley deserves every insult he receives, because his commentary no longer contains anything approaching legal analysis. My favorite here is Marc Elias, who describes Professor Turley as “Mike Lindell with tenure”.

WSJ: Prigozhin’s African empire: . The most interesting flashpoint right now is Niger, which continues to move away from the West.