News for August 19 — The Scoop on BA.2.86

The scoop on BA.2.86: . Sigh. The article describes the new subvariant as having a radically different set of mutations than the currently dominant Eris subvariant. We decided to research the variant’s lineage to understand what the situation is. From its name, BA.2.86 is a descendant of BA.2, which is an Omicron subvariant. The vaccines coming at the end of September are based on a different subvariant of Omicron, XBB. The question becomes, will this new subvariant be sufficiently mutated from XBB to escape the new vaccines.

Fall respiratory disease trifecta nears: . With current projections that only 19% of the US adult population will take the fall COVID vaccine, 81% of adults will face this fall with much less protection than the fall COVID vaccine offers. So we may well see a new COVID wave, based on Americans’ reluctance to follow the medical profession’s recommendations.

Sight restoration through stem cells: . Some people with damaged vision in one eye can have their sight restored. The procedure takes stem cells from the other eye and multiplies them in the lab.

Platelets unlock Fountain of Youth … in mice: Researchers now focus on PF4, a protein that occurs naturally in the bloodstream. PF4 leads to reduced inflammation in the brain, which enhances its performance. Note that Platelet Factor 4 is a cytokine, which we encountered early in the search for the mechanisms behind COVID.

Sharp drop in China’s fertility rate: . As noted in the article, a fertility rate of 1.09 is well below even Japan (1.30). This will accelerate the already rapid aging of China’s population. China does appear headed for a severe demographic crash that will severely challenge their economic model.

Hurricane Hilary state of emergency in California: . Typically, a faster-moving hurricane is a good thing, because it drops less rain in any given area. However, no word yet on the missing e-mails.

Russian moon landing “Put in” danger by engine malfunction: .

The Awkward Candidate – Ron DeMentis: . As mentioned here before, I recently subscribed to The Washington Post and find its journalism in a completely different league than the woefully declining Journal. The Post has hit on one of DeMentis’ defining characteristics – his awkwardness – and this Vanity Fair article quotes the Post’s article at length. So this is almost all you need to know about Ron. It’s bad enough that Ron is an authoritarian. However, awkward people do not make good presidents.

The Foolish Candidate – Chris Christie: . As Christie has failed to gain traction, apparently he’s decided to end his campaign by touching the third rail of American politics. What a loser …

Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter’s journey nears its end, according to family: .