News for August 11 — South Korea Leads COVID Spike

South Korea leads COVID spike: . South Korea reported 1.2 million COVID cases in the last month, 80% of the cases reported to WHO for that period.

WSJ: EG.5, aka Eris, spreads globally: .

Gene behind long COVID: . The gene is FOXP4, which I thought was the gene behind MAGA.

WSJ: UBS sheds Swiss government guarantees on Credit Suisse acquisition: . The company is now confident in its financial future and takes full control of its operations. More: .

Things get worse for China’s largest developer, Country Garden: . This is an unsustainable financial trajectory which appears to require rapid government intervention for Country Garden to survive. More: .

Paul Krugman thinks China’s economic woes may increase its appetite for foreign adventurism: . As readers know, I deeply respect and mostly agree with Krugman’s economic analysis. However, I disagree with his geopolitical analysis and prediction here. China’s current situation bears no resemblance to, say, Germany’s after World War I. Germany’s economy was failing because of massive reparations debt imposed by the European powers. Germany knew who to blame for its problems.

In contrast, China has gained considerably economically by its interaction with the West. Its bet on Russia (which could be described as foreign adventurism) has damaged its image around the world. However, if China remains patient (something they are famous for), failing Russia will become their client state, a much more massive win than a dangerous gambit against Taiwan.

FTX founder jailed for witness tampering: . We seem to be awash with defendants who disregard the court. This typically extends the time they spend behind bars. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Niger coup: . We were asleep at the switch here, and are struggling to find a way back to democracy in Niger.

Ukraine sea drones score more success in Black Sea: WSJ: .

WSJ: Meanwhile, both sides rely on a 60-yaer-old rocket launcher, the Grad: . What a crazy war. Where is Ukraine getting the ammo for this Soviet relic?

WSJ: Zelensky addresses military recruitment corruption: .

Maui fire death toll rises to 67: . Because of the state of destruction there, little new information emerged today. The death toll so far involves bodies found outside. Cadaver dogs have been brought in to begin searching the building ruins. Some accounts suggest there are up to 1,000 people missing – there are at least hundreds. More from The Washington Post: .

WSJ: More on Maui: . Still more: . Also: . These last two articles are probably the best reporting I’ve seen in the Journal for years, and I recommend them to readers. Note that officials thought the fire was contained, but did not properly recognize the coming effect of hurricane-force winds.

Status of GOP candidates for August 23 debate: . One notes the irony of candidates who expect the GOP base to vote for them out of party loyalty, but will not agree to support the eventual candidate. Orange Julius is completely responsible for this situation.

Question to Mike Pence: “Why did you commit treason on January 6?”: . The questioner, a Democrat supporting Joe Biden, asked the most intelligent question of the GOP primaries so far. His point was to get Pence on the record publicly criticizing Orange Julius.

Majority of Iowa GOP dreadfully uneducated: . For about 7 years, it has not been possible to have a civil discussion about politics with the majority of GOP voters. Comparison of 2023 US to 1939 Nazi Germany is absurdly uneducated. There was no meaningful legal system in Germany under the Nazis, let alone protection of individual rights. The US is not exterminating its non-Aryan citizens.

Our legal system is trying to hold Orange Julius responsible for the crimes we all saw him commit on television, including election fraud and government overthrow. Our legal system, through Justice Jackson and the Nuremberg trials, did the same for the Nazi collaborators after WWII: . So in legal terms, the proper comparison is between the US in 2023 and the US on the world stage against the Nazis in 1946-1947. The GOP needs to get a clue.

More detail on the Georgia RICO charges potentially coming against Orange Julius: . Prosecutors love RICO because it has allowed them to go after all sorts of conspiratorial crimes. Proof is apparently easier under the Georgia statute than the federal statute.

More pressure on Justice Thomas: . While the headline matter is important, we learn near the end of the article that the Committee on Financial Disclosure, a group of 16 federal judges is also investigating: . Here we learn Chief Justice Roberts sent the Thomas matter to this committee.

Judge Chutkan is not buying what the OJ lawyers are selling: . First, a protective order is coming, and it will be reasonably broad in order to minimize witness intimidation. Second, the judge noted that OJ’s inflammatory statements heighten the need to try the case soon in order to reduce taint to the jury pool. A January 2 trial date is strengthening as the date the judge will select.

A different view: . I actually don’t think what is said in this article is that different from my comments in terms of content. The differences lie in perspective. WSJ: Yet another perspective: . Apparently, the liberals think DOJ failed, and the conservatives think OJ is the victim. This is usually considered evidence that the judge is doing a good job.

Everyone agrees John Lauro repeatedly promised the judge OJ “would scrupulously abide” by the judge’s rule. No one on either side has ever associated the word “scrupulously” with Orange Julius.

Things get worse for Judge Cannon: . I agree that this error is inexplicable. She disregarded the jury form prepared for her, and instead prepared her own form, which is hard to read and left off the “not guilty” box? Incompetence hardly gets more obvious.

FBI alerted by Truth Social to Utah man they killed during arrest attempt: . I wonder what OJ supporters think of this twist.

Attorney General Garland appoints special prosecutor in Hunter Biden case: . To appoint someone other than Weiss would suggest that Weiss had acted inappropriately in the investigation up to this point. While unfair to Weiss, it would also have added fuel to the GOP’s nothing-burger. Facts matter. If there is a trial, they will come out. WSJ: More: . Sadly, the Journal misses the point that Weiss always had the power to bring this case in another district (according to other reporting), and embarks on misleading analysis.

WSJ: Babbling about a 2024 third party run: . I like Gerry Seib and was sad to see him retire. However, this is unhelpful trash. Every poll does show that a third party helps OJ, possibly enough to get him elected again. Also, a third party stands absolutely zero chance of electing a presidential candidate in 2024 or any time in the foreseeable future. Last, and most obviously, a third party will further fracture the country. Facts matter. Enjoy your retirement, Gerry.

Viet Dinh, Fox’s top lawyer, to step down December 1: . Most reporting on this matter notes Dinh is stepping down just months after the settlement with Dominion Voting Systems for $787.5 million. More litigation in related matters is ongoing. Dinh is 55, a rather young age for senior management to step down. WSJ: More: . I read this article to more strongly suggest that Dinh’s failed strategy was a significant factor in his departure, though some in Fox dispute that.

Texas GOP literally moves to biblical La-La Land: . Texas Republicans simply ignore the science of geology to justify their illegal floating buoys in the Rio Grande with biblical fantasy about the Great Flood. Do they realize this is Old Testament stuff, so they’re relying on Jewish rabbis from before the time of Christ? Probably not, why would they actually read the Bible?

Among other things, geology tells us the volume of water required to produce the Great Flood never existed on Earth, at least as the Texans describe it (a worldwide event). There is some evidence of a major flood in the Middle East which could have led to the story in the Old Testament. This of course demonstrates that to the Jewish rabbis, Texas never existed. I rather like that idea.

WSJ: Mighty Alabama whiteys strike back against the uppity Black people in their midst: . Federal litigation will straighten this out. But it should never have been necessary. The white council declared the new Black mayor the winner. That should be the end of this case.

WSJ: UN empties oil from decaying Yemen tanker: . Good news often does not receive the recognition it should.

Producers replace Vanna White during tense contract negotiations: . No doubt the producers are sending a message to the other side to negotiate. However, they hopefully realize this will be a sensitive topic with the show’s fans on top of Pat Sajak’s upcoming departure. Overall, this strikes me as a questionable negotiating tactic. Things must be going very poorly.

The 4 ACC teams that voted against Stanford and Cal: . Academically, Stanford and Cal are so far above the ACC schools that they are indeed in another time zone. However, this is all about money. It is interesting that the vote was 11 to 4 in favor (73%), a winning majority everywhere except the ACC – again, this is not about academics.

WSJ: Stanford got screwed over money: . There is some good information and perspective in this article. Stanford is clearly THE powerhouse of college athletics when you consider all sports, not just football and basketball. This does look bad for the US chances in future Summer Olympics.

WSJ: Women’s World Cup will have a new champion country: .