News for July 2 — Walensky Warns of Politicizing Science

Walensky warns of politicizing science: WSJ: . As readers know, I completely agree. With Orange Julius as Exhibit A, who could reasonably disagree?

Who’s right, the Fed or the bond market?: . The question just asked is the proper one. The so-called bond experts have doubted the Fed for 18 months. They have been wrong every time. My view is that they continue to be wrong – the Fed is not going to cut rates rapidly any time soon. At some point, the inversion has to end. That means that if short-term rates hold their current levels, long-term yields have to go up – and long-term bondholders will be crushed again.

WSJ: Reopening the US-China dialogue: .

Walgreens closing 150 US stores: . This seems quite significant until we learn Walgreens has about 9,000 US stores, the closures are less than 2% of the total. Walgreens is also closing 300 UK stores, which is about 13% of their 2,232 Boots stores there.

Pete Buttigieg hammers “Don’t Say Gay” DeMentis: . Ron’s numbers continue sinking as he delivers even more … fertilizer. U-N-E-L-E-C-T-A-B-L-E.

Should the Supreme Court gay website case be “reheard”?: . Katyal is not saying what he knows. The Constitution strictly prohibits the Supreme Court from providing advisory opinions. Article III, Section 2, Clause 1 of the Constitution restricts the Court’s jurisdiction to “Cases or Controversies”, so it cannot hear hypothetical matters: . More: .

What Katyal should have said is that the appellees must ask for a rehearing because the express terms of the Constitution prohibit the Court’s ruling, and the Supreme Court must vacate the decision assuming the new facts are validated. The lack of diligence by the lawyers in failing to determine this situation does not allow the ruling to stand.

Also, the reporter’s name, Summer Concepcion, made me wonder what her birthday was. The Internet, ever-reliable information source, says her birthday is August 1993. So she is not, in fact, a Summer Concepcion. Perhaps her parents confused conception and birth. As you may have noted, we are facing a slow news weekend.

French police arrest 700 protestors as riots stretch into fifth night: . WSJ: More: .

The No Labels BS is being called out by both sides: . No sane person thinks they can win significant electoral votes. That makes the people involved in this effort insane (not likely) or dishonest (bingo!).

Meanwhile, JD Vance, GOP Senator from Ohio, is the latest entrant in the Idiot Olympics: . Vance actually does have a JD, from Yale. So what are they teaching at Ivy League law schools? You don’t need a legal degree to know you can’t just invade other countries – it’s of course a violation of their national sovereignty. Indeed, the President of Mexico notes that in the article. JD Vance – another Trumpster, another moron.

WSJ: United to reduce Newark flights: . Based on yesterday’s discussion, this will also reduce their losses on the world’s Most Frequent Flyer. Just sayin’ …