News for June 21 — Consider Getting the RSV Vaccine

Consider getting the RSV vaccine: WSJ: .

WSJ: Ozempic and body positivity: . I’m surprised by the reference in this article to “medical bias”. Extensive research demonstrates that obesity is associated with a variety of health problems. If body positivity means ignoring what your doctor tells you, in my view that is not a healthy attitude.

Drug industry fights Medicare negotiation: . We all know that US patients pay more for virtually all drugs than do other countries. That’s why people drive their RV’s to Canada or Mexico on “drug runs”. The courts could easily fix this situation without striking down the law. Will they?

Federal judge strikes down Florida Medicaid transgender health rule: . Ron DeMentis, who’s getting his butt whomped by Mickey Mouse, is also striking out in federal court. Hate against individuals is generally a crime in the law, as DeMentis certainly should know.

WSJ: Mallinckrodt faces bankruptcy over opioid liabilities: .

WSJ: When Mom’s care costs $1 million: . The gaps in our public health system bankrupt the unfortunate families who fall through them.

Immigration drives US population growth for whites, Asians: . The size of white immigration is surprising and unexplained in the article. Some part of this must be refugees from the war in Ukraine.

WSJ: Winner, winner? Chicken … cultivated cells?: . WSJ: More: . Um, I’ll likely stick with actual chicken for the time being …

WSJ: The need for regulation of AI: . This industry is developing so rapidly that we are already behind the curve in controlling abuses.

WSJ: New York accounting firm Marcum hammered by SEC, PCAOB: . Marcum specialized in Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs), and it did a lousy job of auditing them. As a result, many of these companies were forced to restate earnings, burning their investors. In other words, Marcum failed in its audit role, and is now paying the price.

Fed rate hike is now a near certainty in July: . Powell’s comments suggest the Fed will now hold itself to 25 basis point increases. Powell has doubled down on reaching the 2% inflation goal, which will likely take more than one rate increase. Again, the process remains data driven as the Fed thinks they are in the ballpark of the overall rate increase needed. WSJ: More: .

EU imposes new sanctions on Russia to cut off war supplies: .

WSJ: Rebuilding Ukraine will take private assistance: . I absolutely believe that Russia should be forced to pay reparations in this process. Targeting of civilians is a war crime. Meanwhile, Ukraine slows its counteroffensive to rethink tactics: .

President Biden calls Xi a dictator: . This is certainly true, but the timing is terrible coming just after Anthony Blinken’s visit to China had smoothed ruffled feathers. WSJ: More: .

Biden hosts Modi at White House: . Russia’s failing war with Ukraine and China’s aggression toward India at their border demonstrates to India that they need more help with armaments than Russia can provide. Deepening ties help both sides, and also accelerate the “two axes” economic supply chain realignment. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: India’s hopes in the hands of a few conglomerates: . Things may be getting done at speed, but the evidence is that these conglomerates are squeezing out competition and driving up prices. This is why we have antitrust laws. At some point, India will need to think seriously about breaking these companies up to restore competition.

Justice Alito, political hack, also turns out to be corrupt: . Senator Durbin is correctly outraged. Indeed, we would not tolerate this type of conduct from any other public servant. Chief Justice Roberts must do something before the October term. Whether he does or not, Roberts must shoulder some of the blame for the disgrace brought on the Court by Alito and Thomas. The Court will remain tarnished as long as these two losers remain on the Court.

Alito responds in WSJ: . Utter BS. No one in his right mind thinks this is “hospitality” – it is graft. Furthermore, Pro Publica’s point is that something of this value should be disclosed. To have two justices worming around the rules offends the senses. Justice Alito’s comments that the accommodations were comfortable but rustic shows at best complete ignorance of the nature and cost of fishing trips to Alaska. Even if Alito is this ignorant, his law clerks cannot possibly have missed the questionable nature of his behavior.

Alito’s comment that his seat would have otherwise been unoccupied is one of the worst legal arguments I have ever heard. Do the airlines give away seats that are otherwise unoccupied? Presumably the billionaire could have filled that seat with someone else, but this funder of conservative causes landed a Supreme Court justice – a larger fish than any caught on the trip. As we say, this argument simply does not pass the smell test, and the stink remains on Alito and the once-trusted Supreme Court.

WSJ supports Alito with an opinion piece from a Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher lawyer: . Ms. Walker is entitled to her opinion, although it is insane on its face. Does Ms. Walker not realize that the Court’s current abject failure to adhere to the ethical rules required of everyone else in government service, including all other federal judges, has destroyed confidence in the Supreme Court? Every public opinion poll shows that, as if we actually need a poll.

She claims expertise as someone practicing in front of the Supreme Court. However, we must ask, did she write this piece simply to curry favor with the Court? She isn’t convincing anyone with this crap, she is just taking sides. And her side sucks. By the way, she fails to mention that she is a former clerk for Justice Clarence Thomas: . What an appalling failure to disclose from both the author and the Journal.

UPDATE: WSJ’s Editorial Board defends itself after publishing the Alito response before Pro Publica publishes the original article. Once again, the EB’s logic is quite questionable. But let me skip past this bull to something that is actually constructive. If you read Ms. Walker’s article above, it is what lawyers call “arguing the horribles”. That is, you look at possible extensions of the action in question and attack those horribles. Ms. Walker’s arguments are reminiscent of Sarah Palin’s attacks on the ACA by conjuring up death squads, and again, it is equally insane.

The logical solution to the mess the Supreme Court has made for itself is for the Court to adopt the Judicial Code of Conduct applicable to all other federal judges. This solution obliterates Ms. Walker’s insanity. Quite obviously, the independence of the federal judiciary has not been compromised by its adherence to the Judicial Code. Quite the contrary, adherence to these standards enhances public trust in the courts. The same would be true of the Supreme Court.

Clown World continues behind closed doors: . As we know, the key fact in the article is that Durham produced a 300-page report with no new information. These GOP investigations routinely produce results “Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury. Signifying nothing.” Durham’s public testimony so far appears to be more of the same: . Adam Schiff then shows Durham how fact-based prosecution works: .

Fox-Not-the-News thought Durham shut down Schiff: . When you read Fox’s article, you find that they saw the same transaction, and the facts they offer do not support their conclusion – indeed, just the opposite. More: Mother Jones journalist documents two key lies Durham presented in his testimony: . This is bad, bad business indeed when a federal prosecutor lies about the details of a case he leads. It’s not credible that he could lead this investigation for 4 years and not know the basic facts inside and out.

Clown World goes public on the House floor as GOP zombies censure Adam Schiff for leading the impeachment case against Orange Julius: . As Schiff said, the GOP holdouts fell in line under threat of being primaried by a MAGA Maniac. This is utter insanity and a disgraceful day for the US Congress. Meanwhile, the GOP also reverses course on the Boebert impeachment resolution described yesterday, and will now send that smoldering pile of manure to committee: . WSJ: More: . Democrats must take the House back in 2024 and end this appalling behavior. Kevin McCarthy must never again be allowed to play with matches.

Georgia election board dismisses fraud charges against election workers: . A small strike for sanity and against Clown World as this conspiracy theory officially ends.

Orange Julius’ poll numbers slide after indictment: . As the first primaries are more than 6 months away, there’s plenty of opportunity for the remaining support to evaporate as the indictments pile up. Note that nearly a quarter of GOP respondents say they would not consider supporting OJ under any circumstances.

January 6 rioter gets 12.5 years in prison for tasing Capitol Police officer, shouts “OJ won” after sentencing: . WSJ: More: . What a loser …

In other loser news, George Santos’ bondholders’ names go public Thursday: . They can jump ship before the public disclosure, which may sink Santos’ bond.

Still more loser news: Ken Paxton’s wife barred from voting in his impeachment trial: .

Pentagon leaker Jack Teixeira pleads not guilty: . However, the evidence is quite public as Teixeira posted his crime on the Internet. The severity of the offense makes gaining a favorable plea deal very difficult. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Hunter Biden deal expected to end investigation: . The reporting on this situation remains vague, however, the Journal expects the plea to end the case, which is the normal order of things.

Questions surface about OceanGate’s submersible engineering: . As I write, there are less than 24 hours of oxygen left in the submersible. Even if they find this craft quickly, there is no way to get the needed equipment to raise the vessel to this remote area before the oxygen runs out. We do not know if there is any way to add a new oxygen supply here, due to the crushing pressure at these depths. Sounds heard Tuesday so far have not led to the vessel: . WSJ: More: . A similar view from an ex-submarine commander: . He also points out that cold is a major problem for the occupants.

More questions about OceanGate’s safety history: . The closer everyone looks, the more this project looks like an accident waiting to happen. More: . WSJ: More on purpose of trip: . Still more: The nature of the experience: . Also: Operational control: .

Biden administration moves to restore endangered species protections: . As global warming continues to devastate the ecosystem, these protections are more needed than ever.

Jack Hanna has Alzheimer’s: . A cruel end comes to a storied career.

Restaurant gas explosion in China kills 31, injures 7: .

Fears of civil war grow in Indian state of Manipur: .

Ike Turner, Jr., arrested on crack cocaine charge: . The arrest occurred less than 3 weeks before Tina died in Switzerland.

Family sells their 1 million pennies: . The purchase price remains confidential.

CORRECTION – The ant population: Wow, I missed the boat on yesterday’s comment on this topic. The math is fine, but my reading is not so good. The multiplier should be 2.5 million, not 25 million. So this means the weight of the global ant population is not about the same as the weight of all humans, but about 10% of the total human weight. So the BBC article, while its math is incorrect because of a too-small number of ants, is still correct in its conclusion.