News for June 9 — Maine Abortion Expansion Progresses

Maine abortion expansion progresses: .

WSJ: Status of US opioid settlement: .

WSJ: Chamber of Commerce sues over Medicare drug negotiation rules: . The Journal returns to the position almost everyone else has taken, that this type of suit faces long odds.

Leading economist predicts US recession: .

Ukraine firing US artillery shells that lay mines that can blow up tanks: . By mining the rear of Russian positions, these shells create serious problem s for resupply and reinforcement. What a nasty weapon …

Ukraine suffers significant losses in new Bakhmut offensive: . While Ukrainian losses are expected, this clash apparently generated significant losses for little or no gain. The breach of the Kakhovka dam has limited Ukraine’s options in the south, which may have led to this failed effort in the east.

Ukraine also deploys Western tanks near Zaporizhzhia: . Because of the risks around the nuclear plant, Ukraine is trying to retake this area to prevent another calamity from Russian retreat tactics.

WSJ: Ukraine counteroffensive in maps: . At best, we are receiving fragmented news from the front – we do not have a clear picture of the overall battle at this time. More: .

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GOP House Joke World responds to the Orange Julius indictment: . Uh-huh. Biden has done everything possible to maintain his independence from DOJ. Much of the evidence of OJ’s crimes is already public, although indications are that the special prosecutor has uncovered additional and very damaging evidence. Still, if you never watch news (or the rough equivalent, only Fox-Not-the-News), you may be sufficiently uninformed (and angry and misled) to buy in to this absolute manure.

The indictment demonstrates that no man, or even an orange substitute, is above the law. That is a bedrock principle of the American rule of law, Kevin, you miserable little twit. OJ will get his day in court (again and again, actually), and then be convicted of the felonies he has committed. And in this, it will be demonstrated that the failure of the Senate to convict OJ in either of his two impeachments was the grave miscarriage of justice here. And maybe, just maybe, the American people will end the ridiculous Confederacy of Dunces that gave you a House majority.

WSJ: More: . This article mostly sticks to the facts and presents them accurately. However, it lists the cases he has avoided in the past, as if this is some sort of skill.

Did a House GOP member just call for civil war?: . We are all aware that there are some real nuts out there. But Mr. Sharlet’s reading of this military-speak message is quite plausible. We need to remain vigilant that another, nastier January 6 could easily come along as the indictments pile up. Atlanta is already preparing for the expected August indictment of OJ on state election fraud charges. And we thought the 2020 election and aftermath was off-the-scale nuts …

UPDATE: Holy Crap! OJ lead lawyers John Rowley and Jim Trusty QUIT the day after the indictment: . As we all know, when criminal lawyers quit a high visibility case, it is a VERY bad sign for the defendant. The special prosecutor also indicted OJ’s former military valet, Walt Nauta, who has been “working” at Mar-a-Lago. As I had just written above (this is Friday morning), the special prosecutor has indeed uncovered additional very damaging evidence. What is it going to take for the GOP base to get the message? Will Fox-Not-the-News tell them now that Murdoch supports DeMentis?

FURTHER UPDATE: The OJ indictment has been released and is at this link: . It is 49 pages and very much worth reading. Mr. Nauta is included in the indictment because OJ and Nauta are alleged to have conspired to hide documents from the FBI. Mr. Nauta allegedly lied about this in his testimony to the FBI. There are indeed seven charges, but the first 31 counts relate to mishandling of 31 different classified documents.

NBC summarizes the situation here: . The facts are laid out in a way that appears indisputable. The FBI has gained very specific and damaging testimony. In particular, OJ’s own words indicate that he knew he could not declassify the documents and that he understood the seriousness of protecting classified information. That did not stop him from showing the documents to others, including sorting through the boxes and taking classified material with him on a trip to his New Jersey golf club, where he again showed the documents to people not authorized to see it.

Special prosecutor Jack Smith speaks on the indictment: . Most importantly, Smith says he will seek a speedy trial, which protects the rights of the American people and of the defendants (this is a reference to the Sixth Amendment of the Constitution, part of the Bill of Rights).

The OJ legal and campaign teams have attempted to compare this case to Pence and Biden having classified materials in their possession past the end of their vice presidency. But both vice presidents searched their records and voluntarily turned over the documents they found to the National Archives. The appropriate comparison is to Jack Teixeira, the Massachusetts National Guardsman who posted classified information on the Internet. Both situations involve insecure people trying to show their importance to others by violating their oath to the government.

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Ken Paxton buddy Nate Paul charged with falsifying financial information in mortgage applications: . Finance cases are relatively easy to prove. “Here’s what you told the bank, here’s what your assets and liabilities actually were.” Paul’s lawyer says this may have happened now to get Paul to flip on Paxton. Of course, if Paul was completely innocent, he would be in the clear. Remind you of anyone orange?

Boris Johnson resigns as Member of Parliament over Partygate scandal: . WSJ: More: .

WSJ: George Santos fights to keep names of bond cosigners secret: .

GOP House Joke World unveils package of tax cuts: . The House GOP insisted on a budget deal in order to raise the debt ceiling. So now they propose to cut taxes, which blows up the budget deal and grows the deficit? Simply put, this is intellectually dishonest. And “intellectually” really does not belong in the previous sentence.

Autoportability in US 401(k) plans: . In case you missed it (I did), here’s a nifty little provision of the SECURE 2.0 act that tries to preserve and consolidate small retirement balances when employees change jobs.

Oceans suffer heat waves on the ocean floor: . As we regularly point out, the Earth’s ecosystem is a delicate web. Global warming is doing damage we are just learning about.

Lunar rainbow at Yosemite Falls: . Yosemite is already a magical place. Still, this is a very special event. For those of you who are chained to your desk but love to hike, this National Park should be on your bucket list. If you have not been to the area previously, you should also consider throwing in Lake Tahoe – the drive around the lake is another bucket list item, and hiking and biking there is also wonderful (although at altitude).

And while we’re on videos, check out this cowboy roping a cow – on the freeway – in Michigan: . Not exactly a weather event, but entertaining …

60-foot-tall inflatable ducks return to Hong Kong harbor: . Great stuff!

Denver beats Miami convincingly, takes 3-1 series lead: .