News for May 31 — US Prescription Drugs Banned Abroad

US prescription drugs banned abroad: . I was unaware of this problem, but it does make sense that not all drugs approved in the US are approved in every country around the world. Here, a young man finds that not only Adderall (which he takes for ADHD) banned in Japan, you can be imprisoned for having a single poll on your person. He describes solutions, including purchasing an import license for the drug. It also makes sense that the most severely regulated drugs would be stimulants.

FDA approves Pfizer’s RSV vaccine: .

Nevada’s GOP governor approves abortion protections for out-of-state patients and in-state providers: .

WSJ: Fed now suggests it will forego June rate increase: . The data seems to support another increase at this time. The Fed may be taking this tack to reduce criticism if the economy soon enters recession.

House passes debt ceiling deal 314-117: WSJ: More: . Sadly, neither the AP or WSJ gave us the vote totals by party, but your trusty reporter ran them down. The GOP’s 222 House members voted for the bill 149-71, with 2 not voting. That’s 67.7% yes. The 213 Democrats voted for the bill 165-46, with 2 not voting. That’s 78.2% yes. So the Democrats not only voted more strongly for the bill, they delivered 16 more votes for it than did the GOP.

This tells you some important things. It looks like the strategy was always to run this deal down to the last minute, so members of Congress only had the choice of an up or down vote. Hakeem Jeffries was better able to keep the Democrats in line for Biden’s support of the deal than McCarthy was with the group he negotiated on behalf of. Even with North Carolina and Florida gerrymandering after the 2020 census, the GOP looks unable to maintain its House majority in 2024.

UPDATE: Axios reports a side deal between McCarthy and Jeffries to deliver Democratic votes: . But both McCarthy and Jeffries deny the deal. Axios updated its article to reflect the denials but did not retract it. All of this is extremely unusual, even for Washington.

OJ on tape talking about a classified Pentagon document he had in July 2021: . More: . Again, the special prosecutor appears to have an airtight case against OJ. We await the indictment.

More on the special counsel’s investigation: . Mr. Smith is undoubtedly thorough.

DeMentis claims OJ is moving to the left: . Since when do OJ’s supporters care about his policies, or even know they are? Also, under OJ’s non-watch, the GOP packed the Supreme Court with justices that overturned Roe. DeMentis’ “shot” is less effective than the military of the Solomon Islands (the largest by population of the 4 countries on Earth which have no military and outlaw gun ownership by its citizens).

Texas governor appoints interim attorney general to replace Ken Paxton: . As Abbott has placed a strong ally in this job, Ken Paxton looks to be on his way out. We will see.

DOJ sues Justice family over West Virginia coal operations: . Looking at the length of time the companies have been fined and ignored regulatory action, the suit seems eminently justified. It is unclear whether this mess will help Manchin.

Insurrectionist who wanted to hang Nancy Pelosi sentenced to 27 months: . While we don’t have the record considered by the judge, this behavior seems to warrant 4 years in prison, minimum.

Mike Pence set to launch GOP presidential bid: . Yawn. Who’s paying for this? Chris Christie is also declaring next week. All of these candidates appear to share two characteristics. First, a large part of their presidential run is personal vanity. Second, each believes that all of the other candidates cannot defeat Biden in November. And I agree with all of them on the second point.