News for May 20 — Justice Gorsuch Condemns COVID Restrictions

Justice Gorsuch condemns COVID restrictions: . So what? COVID killed over a million Americans. Group restrictions, whether or not medically effective, were designed to halt or slow the spread of a killer disease. Gorsuch’s refusal to wear a mask on the bench required Justice Sotomayor to hear cases virtually, as she is at risk of severe disease from COVID. To say Gorsuch’s behavior lacks courtesy would wildly understate his offense here.

China COVID deaths: . Note that China admits to 100 million cases. While this figure seems too low in a country of 1.4 billion, if we applied the estimated COVID death rate of 0.3% to this case figure, we would have 300,000 deaths, more than double the ridiculously low figure China admits to. As readers may remember, I estimate China’s COVID deaths in excess of 2.5 million.

New GOP abortion ban approach: . This is not actually a strategy. It is putting lipstick on a pig. The view that human life is created at conception is a religious viewpoint. People are welcome to hold that view, but it has no place in American law.

Contaminated eye drops kill 4: . Cases now number 81 cases, linked to 2 brands: EzriCare and Delsam Pharma. The bacteria involved is now spreading person to person.

WSJ: Debt ceiling standoff outcomes: .

Wagner Group claims total control of Bakhmut: WSJ: .

WSJ: South Carolina looks like Orange Julius country: . The primary is February 24, 2024, so still more than 9 months away. However, short of OJ’s indictment and conviction of his various crimes, nothing will stop South Carolina for voting for OJ. First, Nikki Haley and Tim Scott have no chance of winning their home state primary against OJ – OJ won South Carolina in 2016 against a broad GOP field. OJ won every county in the state. Furthermore, CNN exit polls at the time found that 20% of OJ’s voters in South Carolina felt slavery should have continued after the Civil War.

Golf’s weird rules: Making a 35-foot put that doesn’t count:–but-it-didnt-count-173514492.html . It becomes clearer why Scotland invented golf.