News for May 17 — Marco Rubio Issues COVID “Report”

Marco Rubio issues COVID “report”: . What new information is in this report? Nuttin’, honey. Okay, what is the new analysis? None. Were you looking for something insightful from a guy who can’t smoothly drink from a bottle of plain water on national TV? No, of course you weren’t. Reference clip: .

Fifth Circuit rehears abortion pill case: . This case was sent back to the Fifth Circuit by the Supreme Court. Whatever this three-judge panel rules, the case will likely return to the Supreme Court next year. WSJ: More: .

South Carolina advances 6-week abortion ban: . The GOP insists on becoming more and more extreme. One hopes thinking people will make them pay the price.

Missouri AG withdraws transgender healthcare limits: WSJ: . One wonders how someone who went to law school thought he had the authority to issue regulations.

WSJ: Young Americans’ mortality rates shows striking increases: . Fentanyl and guns …

WSJ: 2022 another record year for overdose deaths: .

US, EU establish joint health task force: . This is a start to enduring mechanisms to address global health crises. Interestingly, this was not done through the UN.

Debt ceiling talks go late: . In “nod to urgency”? Ya think?

WSJ: UBS books $4 billion loss reserve for Credit Suisse acquisition: . UBS portrays this loss provision as conservative.

WSJ: Ukraine steps up attacks on Russian supply depots: . Meanwhile, Russia attacks southern Ukrainian cities: .

US says damage to Ukraine Patriot missile defense system minimal: . Essentially, we are calling the Russians liars. More: . This article makes the important point that the Patriot system is best able to down the Russian supersonic missiles when it is the target.

WSJ: Ecuador enacts “mutual death” provision allowing president to close legislature, and govern for 6 months before an election is held: . This hardly seems likely to quell the unrest, don’t you think?

Classified leak suspect had previously been warned about leaks: . Then why did this guy have ongoing access to highly classified documents? Shouldn’t his security clearance have been downgraded when he misbehaved on multiple occasions? I am not bringing this up as hindsight – you would think the proper procedure would be to cut him off from the highly classified stuff, even if it meant transferring him to some other less sensitive position. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Another child immigrant dies in US custody: .

At least 7 other countries issue travel warnings about the US over gun violence: . These warnings are justified in my view. We have more than one mass shooting per day now. They typically are in public places and involve strangers. Some involve racial hatred. Foreigners, especially those with darker skin and those who do not speak English, should exercise caution here.

DeMentis tries to listen to others: . Seriously, this is ridiculous. DeMentis cannot walk away from his hateful legislation against the LGBTQ community and teachers, or from his war against Mickey Mouse, or from his isolationist comments on Ukraine. He’s not walking away from his wife’s so-far poor advice. And most critically, as even Orange Julius has already pointed out, a personality transplant is not coming.

Indeed, Ron continues his stupid culture war: . I am both amused and appalled by the Florida legislator’s comment supporting this crap: “God does not make mistakes with our children”. He’s not doing too well with Florida GOP politicians.

The main thing Ron has is a $150 million war chest. Think Jeb Bush, another Florida flop, with more connections than Ron. If DeMentis gets enough public relations help from the coming indictments against OJ, he could conceivably win the GOP nomination as there are currently no meaningful alternatives to OJ. But the general election? Fuhgeddaboudit.

And Ron just walked into two endorsement errors: . You can’t do this stuff late and half-heartedly unless you carefully pick winners. You just gave OJ two more talking points. UPDATE: And OJ already is crowing: .

WSJ: DeMentis expected to announce presidential run next week: . Because he recently moved his campaign operation to larger quarters, DeMentis must announce within two weeks of the move under campaign finance laws. The Journal apparently does not understand this; as such, much of what they say is jibber-jabber.

OJ defense team loses a member: . With the size of this group, Mr. Palatore may have felt unheard. However, lawyer departures in high-profile cases are unusual.

Political campaigns surrender over $170,000 in political donations from FTX to US Marshals Service: . While the headline is accurate, it is misleading. Both Democrats and Republicans received contributions. However, the article provides a full list to date. 23 Republicans and 1 national committee received $101,400, while 11 Democrats and 1 national campaign committee received $72, 416, for a total of $173,816, roughly matching the article’s comment of “over $160,000” plus $15,500. The difference appears to be that the article cites 35 individual recipients but only lists 34.

House GOP sidesteps vote on George Santos: . The Democrats wanted the GOP on record; they accomplished their goal.

Target Stores seeing increase in violence at stores: . Maybe the name and the logo (a bull’s-eye) are not the best brand choices in a country with over 400 million guns …

“No Labels” consider running a third-party presidential candidate: . Just don’t. This is absolutely the wrong election for this stunt. Suggesting that Biden is equally as extreme as Orange Julius is insane. Yes, I do mean insane.

Global warming likely to overtake global 1.5 degree Centigrade increase goal in the next 5 years: . We are in big, big trouble. The web of life is suffering damage in ways we are unlikely to reverse.

Diamondbacks pitcher Zac Gallen picks off a bird with his warm-up curveball: . I was pleased to see that the article mentioned what to me is the most famous incident. The Yankees’ Dave Winfield threw a ball in from the outfield which killed a seagull in Toronto, and was arrested by the police for animal cruelty (the charges were later dropped). Isn’t Canada where they club baby seals to death for their fur?