News for May 9 — Biden Revokes COVID Vaccine Rules

Biden revokes COVID vaccine requirements: . This reflects the coming end of the COVID public health emergency in 2 days.

WSJ: Breast cancer screening guidelines revised: . However, there is controversy within the medical community about the proper guidelines. Stay tuned.

WSJ: KKR’s Envision Healthcare to declare bankruptcy: . Guess they didn’t envision this properly.

Orange Julius found liable for sexual battery and defamation in E. Jean Carroll rape case: . WSJ: More: . The jury was convinced that sexual abuse (battery) occurred, but apparently viewed the rape allegation as unproven. I still believe Jean Carroll. In any event, the jury awarded just over $2 million on the battery charge, and just under $3 million on the defamation claim, for a total of $5 million.

Here at Statistics R Us, we like to provide context for our statistics. A federal highway costs $19.22 million per mile to build. That works out to $303 per inch. The verdict here is orders of magnitude larger. Based on Stormy Daniels’ reports on OJ in bed, the verdict here is at least $1.25 million per inch, or over 4,000 times larger.

And the case may not be over: . Given the judge’s warnings throughout the case, sanctions against Orange Julius for his comments about the trial and verdict may be coming. And yes, Tacopina (the Pineapple Taco) is still a loud-mouthed idiot. Also, Tacopina has promised an appeal of this verdict, but he has not suggested any basis for appeal. I expect an appeal will occur because of his client, but it may well be completely baseless.

BBC interviewed Republican women about the verdict: . Interesting, but not on point. The suburban women who figured prominently in his 2020 defeat are not coming back to him after this. And again, my expectation is that multiple criminal cases and trials are coming. More and more Trumpsters will realize what a liability he is to the GOP chances in 2024.

Liz Cheney’s New Hampshire ad emphasizing OJ’s January 6 actions: . OJ is facing fire from too many quarters to survive the weight of the charges against him.

But: GOP voters coming back to OJ: . It’s good that November 2024 is a long, long way away.

Dianne Feinstein returns to Senate: . Time to approve more federal judges, and none too soon. WSJ: More: .

Feds charge House GOP Representative George Santos: . Presumably we will learn the specifics of the charges at his arraignment on Wednesday. There are at least two possible reasons for Santos not resigning. First, he seems to enjoy the notoriety, which ends when he is out of government. Second, he may look to use resignation as a bargaining chip with DOJ in taking a plea agreement. WSJ: More: .

Putin claims again that Russia is the real victim in the Ukraine war: . One wonders where Russia will get fresh meat for the grinder now that the prisons have been emptied out.

US breaks Russian cyber operation: . The virtual intelligence war continues.

WSJ: India promotes itself as the world’s factory floor: . It is more likely that a variety of SE Asian countries, as well as Mexico, will benefit from the relocation of global supply chains. India’s plus: They speak English. India’s minus: They have political issues internally and with China and Pakistan (both on India’s border).

WSJ: Fox’s third quarter earnings: A loss of $54 million: . Remember, of course, that Murdoch owns the Journal.

Harlan Crowe refuses Senate request for list of gifts to Clarence Thomas: . Crow certainly has the funds to defend himself. However, this road is fraught with peril for Crow and Thomas. What happens if there is litigation which reaches the Supreme Court? Even the rule-bending Thomas would have to recuse himself, leaving the other 8 justices to decide if Thomas’ benefactor is above the law. WSJ: More: .

Senate looking at 2011 ethics complaint about Thomas’ failure to disclose financial matters: . The stink of rotting flesh grows more repulsive each day.

“Pink beret” insurrectionist charged for January 6 participation: . Making a fashion statement at the insurrection turned out to be a really stupid move.

Democrats consider “moonshot” candidate to run against Senator Rick Scott: . As Dwayne Wade moved out of state, I don’t see him as a viable candidate even if he moves back. Grant Hill, on the other hand, is intelligent, well-spoken, well-known, and politically active. As Rick Scott is an idiot, Grant Hill would likely win any televised debates. As such, I think he’s less than a “moonshot” against Scott.

A small dose of sanity briefly appears in Texas: . Raising the age of purchase of an assault weapon to 21 is a tiny idea in a state where everything except brains are big. Still, if applied nationwide, this would have prevented several recent tragedies in addition to Uvalde. More: .

Meanwhile, California proposes insane slavery reparations: . This is for sure the first time I have praised sanity in Texas or pointed out insanity in California, let alone in the same newsletter. Whatever else you think about reparations for slavery, this proposal is truly insane. How could California possibly pay any group a number that is 8 times the annual state budget? How could any state decide to make 5% of its citizens each instant millionaires, apparently at the expense of all the other taxpayers?

And, may I point out, California never had slavery and its troops fought on the side of the Union. So California taxpayers are going to pay for the crimes of the Deep South? If this commission’s intent was to permanently end discussion of reparations in California, they’ve done a swell job. It’s just not a great idea to produce a report that is laughable on its face.

Analysis of Berkshire Hathaway: . This is a concise and thoughtful review of one of America’s largest conglomerates. I would just add that Berkshire Hathaway is sitting on a mountain of cash.

While the company has a market valuation of $710.76 billion, its cash and short-term securities equal $130.6 billion (18.4% of total valuation). First, not only does this asset hold value in a market downturn, it is currently earning over $5 billion (4%) annually. Second, Berkshire Hathaway regularly repurchases its stock, and it certainly has a war chest to buy more on a downturn. The stock thus has certain insulation from value decline that most other stocks do not.

Shaq tries to dismiss FTX lawsuit: . One would think the law firm would have had someone videoing the intended service, given Shaq’s attempt to evade service.

WSJ: Texas mall shooter’s 8 weapons legally obtained: .

Clarification: Regarding the Texas mall shooter, the RWDS on his chest was a patch on his clothing, not a tattoo. However, his chest did have several prominent Nazi symbols as tattoos.

Former Vikings QB Joe Kapp passes at 85: .