News for May 8 — COVID Origin Not Raccoon Dogs

COVID origin not raccoon dogs: . A careful researcher has now blown away the suggestion that raccoon dogs were involved in transmitting coronavirus to humans. As readers know, this newsletter was very critical of the original reports of this connection issued in mid-March. The data, in our view, did not prove anything. Careful work has demonstrated that to be the case.

Progress on maternal and newborn deaths has stalled globally: .

WSJ: Improving baby formula monitoring: .

US debt ceiling: The “Ignore it” ploy: . This is a parallel to the 14th Amendment ploy. However, the bottom line is that this is a self-imposed crisis which has no basis in the Constitution.

WSJ: Crypto faces more US regulatory problems: . More: Bittrex files for bankruptcy after SEC suit: .

Asian economic recovery weakens: . There are still many signs that a global recession is coming.

The renewable energy waste tsunami: . Seriously? We need more efficient recycling in general. However, this specific problem needs to get solved now, and be considered as part of the cost of renewable energy.

Russian Victory Day exposes a weakened Russian military: . The Kremlin drone strike story appears to make no sense other than as a Russian excuse to downsize celebrations.

Jury hearing closing arguments in E. Jean Carroll rape case: . Carroll has proven her case by a preponderance of the evidence, which is the standard of proof in civil trials. Her lawyer made the excellent point that Orange Julius’ defense would require multiple people to engage in a conspiracy to lie. However, OJ’s case fails if he is the one that is lying. Carroll established a pattern of behavior on OJ’s part which, in his disastrous deposition, he reinforced. We should have a verdict this week. WSJ: More: .

Judge prohibits Orange Julius from disclosing evidence in Stormy Daniels hush money case: . Today, let’s consider the OJ attempt to have this case transferred to federal court. Obviously, the Manhattan DA normally files cases in state court. But the transfer must be approved by a federal judge. What judge wants to transfer in a case where the defendant has already threatened the sitting state court judge? WSJ: More: .

Also, how does the defendant in a criminal trial get to choose his venue? I can see the argument that a sitting US president might not be an appropriate target of state legal action, but a former one? The case should not be transferred, and I hope and expect that will be the result here.

Should Orange Julius be blocked from the ballot for January 6?: . The writer presents the issue clearly, and then completely misses the point. January 6 was an insurrection, which is why hundreds have been prosecuted and sent to jail. The special prosecutor appears to be nearing indictments against Orange Julius, and it is very possible that he will charge OJ with insurrection (he should). If that happens, and an OJ conviction follows, the 14th Amendment does support blocking him from the ballot.

The writer’s suggestion to limit the 14th Amendment language to situations like the Civil War is ridiculous. Constitutional law does not work that way, even if the current conservative majority might support such an obscene interpretation. Still, this opinion piece would make an excellent submission if the writer applies for a job at the Wall Street Journal.

Fox anchor Brett Baier’s reputation takes a hit: . Right. Brett Baier is no Walter Cronkite. He’s more like the sewer worker with the cleanest boots.

Meanwhile, Tucker “Rhymes With” Carlson wants to launch his own network: . Sure. Great. I’m okay with this as long as he loses every cent he has and takes Fox down with him. But the reality is that he’ll get some fools to financially back this, and his insane spew will only get more insane. Swell.

Fortress Florida bans Chinese citizens from owning property in Florida: . Uh-huh. What happens if a Chinese company buys Disney?

WSJ: Disney fires back over Florida targeting: . Sometimes who’s on your team makes a big difference. If we simply consider the strength of Disney’s legal team against DeMentis and his allies, it’s really no contest. I expect the Disney fight will become a major embarrassment in any DeMentis presidential run.

DeMentis signs new law designed to allow him to run for president, but it has defects: . Many states have had “favorite son” presidential candidates in the past, but the Florida legislature has gone well beyond anything previously seen. However, they keep screwing up. DeMentis has tried to build a reputation for knowing how to pull the handles of government. Right now I’m not sure you can trust this guy to properly flush a toilet.

SBF files for dismissal of most charges against him: . So, to quote Joe Biden, “Good luck in your senior year.”

WSJ: NY Times makes major content deal with Google: .

Is the metaverse dead?: . Yes, for now. Digital companies’ rush to get a position in the new technology has met the reality that customers are not that interested. While the market may continue to develop over time through gamers, that is a specialized category that does not signal future broad adoption.

The lawn darts argument against AR-15’s: . Matthew Dowd makes a powerful argument about our perverted sense of gun safety in this country.

WSJ: Texas gunman booted from Army over mental health issues: .

WSJ: New airline compensation rules: .

Royals pitcher sustained head fractures after line drive hits him in the face: . When I saw this originally, my question was why they allowed him to walk off the field. Then and now, this looks like malpractice by the training staff.