News for April 25 — Allergy Season Strong and Early

Allergy season strong and early: WSJ: .

WSJ: Excess melatonin in gummies: . This situation is both ridiculous and dangerous. I agree that the regulatory structure needs modernization. Quarterly submission of lab tests verifying product compliance with their labeling would be a start. The ideas proposed by the industry are too weak.

Biden announces re-election campaign: . Biden has a clear path to the Democratic nomination as long as he avoids major gaffes or significant health problems. Also, if the GOP renominates Orange Julius, the election is already over. However, OJ’s involvement in multiple trials may open the door for someone else. WSJ: More: .

Still, there is no meaningful contender other than DeMentis. Ron is currently fading in GOP polls. His style and legislative record in Florida may help him with the GOP base, but it dooms Ron in a general election. While few want either Biden or OJ to run again, right now the rematch is on, and over before it begins.

WSJ: First Republic stock drops after earnings report, deposit hemorrhage: .

Russia deploys new battle tank in Ukraine: .

State visit by South Korean president this week: . The South Koreans found the recent military intelligence leaks particularly unsettling.

Neil Gorsuch ethics problems: . Not too much to add, except that any competent lawyer understands ethics issues and conflicts of interest. In Thomas’ case, it’s not lack of vigilance, it’s corruption. In Gorsuch’s case, selling the property right after confirmation should have sensitized him to the issues that are involved. So the appearance of impropriety is smeared all over this.

Sudan 72-hour ceasefire is holding for now: . Sudan is mineral-rich. However, the US has limited presence there, and limited leverage in de-escalating the conflict. UPDATE: WSJ: Ceasefire is becoming shakier as violations increase: .

Three-day high water flow experiment on Colorado River: . I’m pleased to see thoughtful use of this temporary abundance of water in the Colorado River system.

WSJ: Amazon satellite internet project progresses: . However, the suggestion that this service will start by late 2024 seems incredibly ambitious. We will see.

“Einstein” tile announced: . This tile allows the tiling of the plane in a nonrepeating manner. More technically, it is an aperiodic monotile. The discovery solves a longstanding problem in mathematics. The tile is nicknamed “the hat” based on its shape.

Harry Belafonte passes at 96: . A famous performer, Belafonte used his celebrity to become a lifelong civil rights activist. WSJ: More: .

Note to readers: Posting early today as I will be helping a friend move for the rest of the week. The newsletter will probably be offline Wednesday, may return Thursday, and should return Friday.