News for March 4 — No 2022-23 Winter COVID Surge

No 2022-23 winter COVID surge: . No, no, no! As we have said since early on in the pandemic, there is no evidence that COVID is a seasonal disease. Spikes have been more coordinated with the emergence of a new variant than with the seasons. Yes, COVID is a respiratory disease, and most respiratory diseases are seasonal. But because substantial COVID deaths occur in every season, the disease is not seasonal.

WSJ: Abuses in telehealth weight loss: . The Journal says that under scrutiny, NextMed has altered its advertising. However, “edgy” is generally not a great business model in healthcare, where safety should be the primary concern.

Young Americans’ colon cancer surge: . Here, “young” means under the age of 55. As the article notes, the colon cancer rate for this group virtually doubled in the past 25 years. An increasing percentage of the cases diagnosed are advanced, and doctors so far have no insight into what is causing this surge. This cancer is often asymptomatic and frequently misdiagnosed for these people.

WSJ: Walking for fitness: . Walking is of course vastly better than doing nothing. It can also be done regularly just by stepping out your front door. However, if you want to achieve higher levels of fitness, walking alone won’t get you there. Swimming is an excellent addition, as is yoga (vinyasa in particular) and kettlebells (weight training plus agility). Most importantly, try to do something every day. The energy you gain from fitness will offset much of the time investment.

WSJ: Electric vehicles become more affordable, and more adoptable: . As the article points out, Tesla has not been the primary catalyst of this. Also, Mercedes has now vaulted ahead of Tesla and everyone else in driverless technology: . In my view, Tesla has mounting problems which will not be easily overcome.

Ohio law enforcement writes down its biases: . Dear Ohio “cops”: There are three possibilities for blame here: (1) Norfolk Southern for crashing their train, which involves initially ignoring the braking system warning light; (2) Norfolk Southern for completely mishandling the clean-up; or (3) Norfolk Southern for completely mishandling its communications with the community and the nation. Is there anyone in your department that sees a pattern here?

If there is a terrorist involved here, it is Norfolk Southern. It is not a well-respected American trying to provide legal assistance to the victims. Her activity is clearly protected by the First Amendment. She has those rights despite the fact that she is (1) from out-of-state; (2) a paralegal/environmental activist; and (3) a woman. If you don’t understand this, ask anyone who has passed the sixth grade. As to the person who wrote the report, the politically correct thing to do would be send this person to “retraining”. However, there are certain levels of stupid you can’t fix. You should have terminated them last week.

Meanwhile, another Norfolk Southern train derailed in Ohio today: . Apparently, it is becoming increasingly difficult for these people to keep a train on the tracks. This should be a lot easier than driving a car …

WSJ: China sets lower growth target for 2023: . The Journal continues to miss the obvious conclusions from the facts it collects. The lower growth target means China expects lower growth. That’s because they have major problems, like a weak property market and the transition out of Zero COVID. Apparently the Journal believes the fantasy that China can achieve any growth goal they plan for. How ignorant …

WSJ: Ukrainians look to reinforce Bakhmut, may withdraw: . The question is whether a Ukrainian withdrawal is actually a defeat. The Russians by all accounts have suffered horrendous casualties. They will occupy a shell, one they themselves bombed out. Meanwhile, seven European countries sign a pact to investigate Russia’s aggression against Ukraine: . Note Merrick Garland’s attendance at the meeting.

OJ lawyer trying to invent new law: . The tape is obviously evidence of a pattern of behavior. As the plaintiff’s notes, it describes almost exactly the behavior the plaintiff alleges. Yes, it’s prejudicial – that’s the nature of evidence. But it’s also part of the public record. Many jurors are likely already aware of it. It’s admissible.

Kellyanne and George Conway plan to divorce: . Most people wonder why this didn’t happen sooner. A difference of opinion is one thing; the dispute here is far deeper and runs to deeply held values.

Fox’ Dominion defense has a glaring weakness: . Doug Jones, former Democratic (!) Senator from Alabama, is quite correct here. Fox orchestrated the delivery of these lies to their listeners, and they are responsible for the result. This could well be joint liability with the hosts involved, but still Fox is on the hook here.

Meanwhile, Fox Not-the-News receives another murderous lawsuit, based on Murdoch’s now-infamous deposition: . Apparently, Murdoch testified to giving Biden campaign commercials to the Orange Julius campaign before they aired. The lawsuit calls this an inappropriate political contribution. I would think the Biden campaign also has a meaningful lawsuit over the misuse of their material.

Also, it becomes clearer why Murdoch called off the merger of Fox and News Corp. A merger would have subjected the combined company to the mushrooming liabilities facing Fox Not-the-News.