News for February 27 — California Ends COVID Emergency Tuesday

California ends COVID emergency Tuesday: . Together with the end of the federal COVID emergency in May, we are coming to the end of government emergency powers activated by the pandemic.

Japanese COVID pill looks to US: . The company hopes for US approval in late 2024.

WSJ: The causes of Alzheimer’s: . The most recent amyloid drug shows modest but clear success in slowing the development of Alzheimer’s. The debate is hardly over, but it does refocus on amyloid treatment as at least part of a therapy protocol.

Thousands of nurses obtained fake Florida nursing degrees: . Clearly, this represents a major health risk to patients. With all of the visiting nurses who traveled the country during the pandemic, how widespread is this problem?

WSJ: Illinois’ biometric privacy law: . Privacy has not been effectively protected in the rapid growth of the Internet. The Illinois law is something to watch.

WSJ: We have no idea how to value or trade bonds: . The advice here is to buy (long-term) bonds based on bond market history. History has nothing to do with it. You only buy long-term bonds when long term interest rates are high (duh). The Fed will continue to raise rates, and the yield curve is inverted. Long-term rates have to go up. The economics here are easy. And the Journal has no clue.

Per capita spending declined in China last year: . This indicates the average Chinese consumer remains concerned about their future, and that their high pandemic savings rate will continue.

WSJ: Evergrande may be forced to wind down: . The Chinese property market still has considerable issues to resolve.

WSJ: US seeks influence in Central Asia: . It’s certainly worth trying. However, these countries remain likely to fall into China’s orbit.

Is there a Brexit deal on Northern Ireland?: . One hopes the UK and Northern Ireland will accept this deal and move on.

US Marshals Service database hacked: . I’m surprised by the limited reporting of this security breach. The marshals conduct many sensitive assignments, including the protection of judges.

Musk’s missteps are dragging down Tesla: . Couldn’t happen to a bigger … ego …

Meanwhile, the knives are out for Orange Julius … in the GOP:–except-trump-173427186.html . Note that all the declared and “expected to declare” candidates will be there, and the meeting will be held in Palm Beach. OJ’s exclusion is not only intentional, it’s as snubby as you can get. The Republican National Committee is also holding OJ’s feet to the fire: . RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel calls the loyalty pledge a no-brainer, which is her specialty.

Rupert Murdoch Dominion deposition: Fox News hosts “endorsed” false election fraud claims: . Bottom line: This is reckless disregard of the truth, which is all Dominion needs to prove actual malice. The bar to First Amendment cases is high. Dominion has bounded over it. WSJ: More: . The Journal reports the facts here, surprising as Murdoch owns WSJ. Is this an attempt to show movement back to reality?

DeMentis now runs Fantasyland: . As the headline declares, DeMentis punished Disney for opposing his homophobic “Don’t Say Gay” laws. So this would be a pretty good First Amendment case. However, Disney loses (very valuable) special treatment. WSJ: More: . The GOP seems unable to recognize the danger inherent in revenge governance.

FBI arrests January 6 “Sedition Panda”: . Congratulations to the online sleuths who are tracking down seditionists.

Another lunatic GOP politician promotes his 15 seconds of infamy: . Just to be clear, Judy Chu was born and grew up in Los Angeles. Her father is Chinese American, and also a World War II veteran. Lance Gooden is a racist idiot (that’s redundant, isn’t it?).

Scott Adams chooses immediate forced retirement by unapologetically declaring himself a racist: . This behavior feels like an emerging mental health issue. However, there is no place in the public arena for racism, let alone Adams’ highly aggressive comments. Farewell, you Dilbert … Meanwhile, Elon Musk defends Adams: . WSJ: More: .

Inexplicable Japan Airlines vegan meal: One banana: . One assumes business class on JAL is not cheap. Also, their website shows a quite suitable vegan meal. So what the hell is this?