News for February 25 — Flu Vaccine Provided Substantial Protection

Flu vaccine provided substantial protection this year: . In the vaccine-virus arms race, this year’s flu vaccine made gains. The influenza virus, of course, has substantial mutation potential, so this battle recurs every year.

CDC investigates derailment health risks: . WSJ: More: .

More experts agree a soft landing is unlikely: . This article reflects the basic themes we have emphasized over the length of the newsletter. If history is any guide, current economic statistics and policy essentially guarantee a recession. It appears the excessive liquidity in the system (due to government subsidies and past Fed policy) has artificially supported the stock market.

WSJ: The West is all in on Ukraine: . I agree with the opinions expressed in this article. The Western alliance’s attachment to the status quo makes it reactive rather than creative. However, Ukraine’s defeat of Russia’s initial strike together with Russian atrocities have convinced the West that it must do more than stop Putin – it must defeat him.

The parallel with the Korean War is unmistakable and instructive. Started by a Russian dictator convinced the US would not intervene, the Russian forces were repulse by US troops. However, China then entered the war and pushed back the US. The US managed to recover before eviction from the peninsula and drove fighting to a stalemate reflected in today’s DMZ, the decades-long divider of North and South Korea. Military results drove the political solution. WSJ: The Ukraine war refocuses on the battlefield:

WSJ: Lessons learned from US EV battery production: .

Does the Earth’s core have an inner core?: . The comment about a “significant” past event is puzzling. A sizable planetoid struck the earth and split off material which formed the moon. So isn’t that the obvious “significant” event?

Grinch 2.0: . Amazingly, a newly-written sequel to the original book will be released this September.

Apologies – Yesterday’s newsletter did not post properly and so did not reach your mailboxes. Now reposted, see it here