News for February 13 — US Buys More Novavax Vaccine

US buys more Novavax vaccine: WSJ: . This appears to be a gift to Novavax to keep a non-mRNA vaccine in the mix. I don’t see the need for this …

Turkey-Syria earthquake toll now over 37,000: . The most recent projection of 60,000 deaths continues to seem reasonable.

WSJ: We join the analysis insanity: . To quote from this goof ball article, “Markets … are betting the Fed will cut rates this year. Mr. Powell disagrees.” Mr. Powell is the Chairman of the Fed. So it should be abundantly obvious who will win this disagreement.

Europe spends over 800 billion euros on energy crisis: . To reiterate, that’s just under a trillion US dollars.

WSJ: Japan’s economy grows slightly in fourth quarter: . But as inflation is rising in Japan, the likelihood is that Japanese consumers will reduce spending and the economy will contract.

WSJ: Russia continues advances near Bakhmut: . All reports are that the Russians are taking heavy casualties. However, the Ukrainians desperately need the promised Leopard 2 tanks. More: .

Biden continues attack on GOP Social Security threats: . As has been documented here and many other places, the GOP has been advocating Social Security cuts for decades. So they need to stop being angry at the truth. They own this, and Biden will keep nailing it to them.

WSJ: New York regulators order Binance to stop issuing their stablecoin, BUSD: . The crypto “industry” feels like a series of dominoes …

Tim Scott prepares GOP presidential run: . Uh-huh. We get Nikki Haley joining the race later this week. However, if there’s one thing the GOP does not need, it’s two presidential candidates from South Carolina. I predict neither of these two will garner over 2% anywhere outside of South Carolina.

Object shot down over Canada a “small, metallic balloon”: . Yes, and it said “Happy Birthday, Xi” on the side …

Judge orders release of portions of special grand jury report on OJ’s attempt to manipulate the 2020 election in Georgia: . The portion of the report which discusses concerns that witnesses lied under oath will be explosive. So these individuals become very strong candidates for indictment. More: . This note makes clear that the report does not name names of the witnesses discussed, but you can expect major speculation in the media. WSJ: More: .

Bennifer pulls in over $10 million for Dunkin’ Super Bowl ad: . However, whatever you think of these two, $10 million + for filming a commercial indicates capitalism has broken. Dunkin’ was paying Affleck over $10 million for the deal. When Jennifer Lopez showed up on set, Affleck told her to film something at the drive-thru. Dunkin’ liked it, so they paid her $1 million for her cameo in the commercial. So how many donuts do you have to sell to make $11 million plus in profits?

Winter Olympics may move to rotating fixed venues: . So this makes economic sense. But I’m not sure it makes commercial sense. However, the result is more eco-friendly than the regular building of extravagant, mostly one-use facilities.