News for February 11 — US Suicide Rate Jumps

US suicide rate jumps: . The 48,183 suicides in 2021 is second only to the 2018 record of 48,344. Also, the suicide rate for blacks ages 10 to 24 jumped 36.6% from 2018 to 2021.

Turkey-Syria earthquake death toll now 28,000 and rising: . Note that other sources are reporting 25,000 total deaths, so we may not be able to reconcile these figures for a day or two. Given the number of collapsed buildings and the lack of excavating equipment in many locations, I would expect significant further increases in the death toll figures.

WSJ: Turkey arrests dozens associated with construction of collapsed buildings: . My understanding is that Turkey has relatively good building codes, but they can be evaded by payments to local governments. This system has produced the expected and sad results.

WSJ: Ukraine says Russia is delaying further mobilization: . One has to believe that considerably more Western aid, including the Leopard 2 tanks, will arrive in Ukraine by the end of March. It would seem that Russia needs to intensify its attacks in eastern Ukraine almost immediately to have any chance of gaining and consolidating territory.

IRS clarifies taxability of state payments to individuals, maybe: . This situation is quite confusing, at least in Oregon. We have something called the “kicker” here, where if the state has a budget surplus, it refunds the money to taxpayers. It is clearly a refund of state taxes, although unconventional. We have always had to pay federal tax on this amount previously, but apparently we do not this year. I intend to read the actual IRS regulations (assuming some come out) and decide when I file my taxes.

Others clarify that the GOP is lying about its long-time position on cutting Social Security and Medicare: . Even the fly on Mike Pence’s head remembers this. But here is more documentation of the outrageous GOP lies.

At Canada’s request, US shoots down object flying over Canada: . This time, the object was downed using a NORAD missile. Canadian teams are working to recover the wreckage. Presumably the US government will offer further details in the coming weeks of the now 3 objects shot down. Apparent clarification: The NY Times reports the missile was fired from a US F-22 fighter jet: . WSJ: More: .

WSJ: We decided to prove in print that we don’t know a goddamned thing. We succeeded beyond our (tiny little) dreams: . The BASIC idea is that with remote work, you can choose to live anywhere. From here, touting their “unique methodology”, the Journal comes up with a Top Ten list: 3 places each in Missouri and Indiana, 2 in Kansas, and 1 each in Arkansas and West Virginia.

What do these locations have in common? They’re in deep red states, they lack intellectual stimulation and are distant from cities or landscapes that do, and almost nobody lives there. “Unique” is not the proper descriptor – “bizarre” works much better.  Go ahead and move there, remote workers. Then you can spend ALL your time on the Internet …