News for February 10 — New COVID Treatment is Non-antiviral

New COVID treatment is non-antiviral: . The new treatment is known as pegylated interferon lambda (of course, right?). “PEGylated” means – sorry in advance – the process of attachment of polyethylene glycol (PEG) polymer chains to molecules and macrostructures, such as a drug, therapeutic protein or vesicle. Basically, this attachment process increases the time it takes for the kidneys to clear the therapeutic molecule, increasing the therapeutic’s effectiveness.

As the article notes, the FDA has indicated its reluctance to approve the new COVID treatment without US trials. As such, the drug may first seek approval abroad.

Lung protein blocks COVID virus: . This previously unknown protein can attach itself to the COVID virus and prevent it from entering the body’s cells. This suggests a new COVID treatment line of research.

COVID endangers the heart: . One part of this puzzle is the cause of the excess deaths the US has experienced during the pandemic. As the article notes, there have been excess for heart disease. Researchers are now establishing the link between these excess deaths and COVID’s effect on the heart.

Note to readers: I am watching carefully for COVID news from China, but there seems to be very little news flow. I remain suspicious that COVID continues to devastate the country, but the reporting I have seen is either irrelevant or of dubious value.

WSJ: We continue our clueless approach to economics: . Good grief! Of course the debt cost rose. The Fed is intentionally raising rates. This is necessary to bring inflation under control, because inflation undermines both the value of assets and the stability of the economy. The intention is that the policy is temporary, and it has to be aggressive to accomplish that result. Duh!

 I can’t believe it is necessary to write this, but the Journal is completely clueless on economics. Look at the history of the last 100 years. Keynesian economics demonstrably, repeatedly works. Trickle-down economics and all the other insanity of the right demonstrably does not. Stop putting your politics over the facts, especially when your politics are so unattractive.

Turkey-Syria earthquake death toll now 24,000 and rising: . WSJ: More: . The earthquakes opened two long fissures. The first and larger quake opened a fissure 190 miles long. The second, on a different fault line, opened an 80-mile-long fissure. There are multiple tectonic plates coming together near Turkey. This suggests to (non-geologist) me that they are pulling apart. WSJ: US allows Syria aid to bypass sanctions: .

WSJ: The coming instability in Turkey: . 30 million people live in this region, they have relatives throughout the country, and they all vote.

Moldova appoints pro-western PM: . As the article notes near the end, there have been various reports that Russia is trying to destabilize the Moldovan government. This suggests the Moldovans are throwing their lot in with the Ukrainians and the West.

WSJ: We read the same information exactly the opposite way: . Looking at the information in the Journal’s article, it seems more reasonable to conclude that Zelensky gave them information which caused a loss of faith in their prior government. Moldova then made changes in response to Ukraine’s information. So my sense is that as usual, the Journal got this wrong. More evidence, from the Journal: . It seems obvious the Moldovans do not trust the Russians. We will see.

WSJ: Ukraine war: As promised, Musk hurts the Ukrainian war effort: . I hate Elon Musk … People who work for him should reconsider …

The GOP position on Social Security and Medicare: We’ll lie to your face to save our butts: . The facts: In 2022, Senator Rick Scott was the chair of the Senate Republican campaign committee. He declared that Republicans must present their policy alternatives to the Democrats, and published an 11 point plan. It was widely criticized, in particular for its plan to sunset Social Security and Medicare: (Scott’s plan) ; (Democrat’s response)—scott-plan-analysis—april-2022—final.pdf .

This was hardly the first time the GOP proposed cutting these social programs: House Speakers John Boehner and Paul Ryan both had their own varieties of cutting these programs. Mike Pence advocated privatizing Social Security in announcing his ridiculous presidential run – LAST WEEK! Mitch McConnell has steadfastly opposed this talk, but that hardly makes him the voice of the GOP.

Enough with the GOP BS. The GOP has always opposed these programs as socialism, WHICH THEY ARE. But Social Security has brought income and social dignity to American retirees for over 80 years. Medicare has delivered seniors and the disabled quality medical care for 60 years. And by the way, this includes a huge number of hard-working GOP voters.

Every worker has paid for and earned the benefits which they (and their families) receive. The GOP must admit that they have consistently promoted this insanity for decades, stop threatening all of us, and take a nice warm cup of shut the hell up. I realize the GOP cannot stop lying, but they do need to own what they have said so consistently in the past.

Speaking of GOP BS: Expel George Santos now!: . This idiot and future felon now dominates every news cycle. GOP “leaders”, how do you think this will affect your 2024 election chances? Meanwhile … : . What does it take for you to act?

OMG! The House GOP now has a female version of George Santos: . If the House GOP just tosses its lunatics and known liars, Kevin loses his majority …

WSJ: Another House GOP fool raises his uninformed point of view: . This is a complex matter, but only because obfuscators make it so. At bottom, the 15% minimum global tax is necessary to prevent large corporations for shopping for the lowest tax rate, which will create a race to the bottom among nations.

The concessions made to Manchin were inappropriate, but necessary to get some deal through. This dimwit wants to drive a truck through the Manchin hiccup, which will have exactly the opposite effect of what he says he intends. Virtually everyone in the world gets that, which is why the multinational deal was possible.

FBI finds another classified document at Pence’s home: .

Meanwhile, Orange Julius’ legal team turns over more classified documents to DOJ: . How will we ever get to the bottom of the misbehavior by the always-out-of-bounds OJ?

WSJ: Mormon Church under SEC investigation: . This entire situation is a massive red flag; failing to comply with these rules gives the Church an incredible ongoing advantage in the market. Let’s see what the settlement looks like.

Pentagon shoots down “ufo” off Alaska coast: . WSJ: More: . The military observed the object for 24 hours before shooting it down. The object was the size of a car and was unmanned. This rules out the possibility that in consultation with Twitter, SpaceX launched Elon Musk up there in a Tesla.

The “ufo” was shot down because at 40,000 feet, it was within the altitude bounds of commercial flights and therefore poised a risk to aviation. The military is working to recover debris; we will likely hear more about what this object was.

WSJ: Chinese balloon incident may cause US to further limit technology exports to China: . We’ve already moved to sanction 6 Chinese companies: .

Alex Murdaugh trial resumes: .