News for February 5 — Turkey Hit by Major Earthquake

Turkey hit by major earthquake: WSJ: . The 7.8 quake hit major population centers. The death toll is likely to rise.

Russians attack center of Kharkiv with rockets: . WSJ: Russians continue assault on Bakhmut: . Russia now concentrates its firepower on Ukraine’s eastern provinces. The objective is clearly to retake lost territory in the provinces Russia laid claim to earlier in the war.

As usual, uneducated Marco Rubio steps in it again: . Of course, the GOP has resorted to automatic criticism of Democrats while having no knowledge of the facts. OJ’s failure to act on three previous occasions was widely reported last week. Apparently neither Rubio nor his staff members feel any need to stay even minimally informed. Lazy, lazy, lazy …

Today’s obvious Orange Julius observation: OJ will lose to Biden: . As a historical matter, this is almost certainly true. Rematches do not go well for the candidate who lost previously. This is particularly true for OJ, who won against Hilary only because of the Electoral College. OJ then lost all of those states to President Biden, and was also crushed in the popular vote. OJ is also unable to adjust his game, as shown by his response to Christie: . People will only get more tired of OJ over the coming year. Also, I expect indictments by July 4.

WSJ: Koch fortune moves against OJ: .

WSJ: SBF’s psychiatrist was a coach at FTX: . There are immense possibilities for conflicts of interest in this type of arrangement. As we already know, there was no particular interest or system for recognizing legally appropriate practices in this organization.

Charles Kimbrough, “Murphy Brown”’s Jim Dial, passes at 86: .

Former Pakistan military ruler Pervez Musharraf passes at 79: . Musharraf was a major ally of the US during his rule.