News for February 4 — Cervical Cancer Hits Older Women

Cervical cancer hits older women: . Given that death from this disease is eminently preventable through periodic screening, the message here needs to be broadly and regularly communicated. As HPV vaccination is now broadly practiced in children ages 10 to 12, in time this disease should become much rarer.

Vitamin D may lower skin cancer risk: .

New Agriculture Dept. rules would limit sugar and sodium in school meals: . This is absolutely the right thing to do. As a society, we should be working for healthier meals in all venues, including state fairs and restaurants.

More evidence of a new Russian offensive in eastern Ukraine: . WSJ: More: . Meanwhile, Russian casualties in Ukraine near 200,000: . Every indicator suggests that Russian losses on any new offensive will be staggering. The West continues to arm the Ukrainians with precision artillery, precision tanks are on the way, and the Russian troops are increasingly demoralized. It appears that the only quick way out of this insanity is Putin’s removal. Will his health fail, or will others take matters into their own hands?

WSJ: China supplying Russia for Ukraine war: . This is hardly news. However, it re-emphasizes that we are moving toward the “two axes” global distribution model discussed here for many months.

WSJ: Why do economists’ predictions often fail?: . The answer to this is pretty simple: (a) the data has a lot of caveats; and (b) economists are not that good at their jobs. You will note that the article points out that the Amazon layoffs were not that big a deal given the size of the company. Readers know I have been screaming about that data interpretation error for quite some time.

Most readers also know that trend lines work best when things are stable. The economy since the pandemic has been anything but stable. And since many economic trends are year-over-year measurements, when the instability lasts more than a year, you have a problem in both the numerator and the denominator.

WSJ: We’re just a manure factory, but we have a PhD because we Pile it Higher and Deeper: . This is a really long, really stupid article. Of course, Biden has ties to Penn. The Journal zips over in two short paragraphs the real dagger in this nonsense: The Orange Julius family has greater family ties to Penn: OJ himself (Wharton), as well as Don, Jr., Ivanka and Tiffany, all graduated from Penn.

While the OJ’s have greater family ties to Penn, Biden arguably has greater intellectual ties to Penn. The reason is again obvious. The OJ family has no one who remotely approaches intellectual capability. Next.

Supreme Court failed to take basic security precautions: . This really is unspeakably negligent. The Court needs to replace whoever is in charge of security yesterday.

Democrats demote Iowa, New Hampshire 2024 primaries: . Those states are not informative about what it takes for a candidate to win the general election. This is an appropriate decision. WSJ: More: .

Time to say good-bye, Dianne: . Obviously, this has dragged on to the point of embarrassment.

US shoots down Chinese balloon off South Carolina coast: . Politics makes this nothing sandwich into something. It is hard to imagine what this balloon would learn that isn’t already known from China’s spy satellite network. WSJ: More: . Still more: .

Orange Julius believers complete family suicide pact: . Most of us know the dangers of conspiracy theories. Sadly, the gullible remain at risk.