News for January 31 — Long COVID Symptoms Narrowed to 7

Long COVID symptoms narrowed to 7: . This one study conflicts with other reporting. The 7 symptoms it calls directly related to long COVID are fast-beating heart, hair loss, fatigue, chest pain, shortness of breath, joint pain and obesity.

Auto-immune inflammation management: . Readers are already familiar with COVID’s cytokine storms. This work indicates those storms can be managed by acting on the vagus nerve. The technique appears to have broad application to inflammatory responses.

STOP using EzriCare eyedrops: . The eyedrops have been linked to eye infections that may cause blindness or death!

Pfizer sees slowing 2023 COVID sales: . WSJ: More: . Still more: .

WSJ: US home prices continue to fall: . This trend is likely to continue (and accelerate) in 2023.

WSJ: Another crypto bankruptcy involves misuse of customer funds: . One would think crypto owners should be sprinting for the exits.

Global recession still looms: . This article ignores that interest rate increases by central banks around the world are intended to slow demand. WSJ: More: . When shipping contracts, economies contract.

WSJ: China considers export controls on solar technology: . This will make solar technology more expensive in the US, and that’s a real problem.

Capabilities of the M-2 Bradleys the US is shipping to Ukraine: . One must hope the Ukrainians can be adequately trained to effectively operate the technology – and the tanks …

Meanwhile, the Ukrainians say they continue to hold off Russian attacks around Bakhmut: .

WSJ: Will the West send jets to Ukraine?: . However, the US and Germany oppose sending tanks. Not much will happen anytime soon.

Lakeland, Florida shooting injures 11: . Meanwhile, the Florida legislature considers a bill to eliminate permits for carrying concealed weapons: . Governor Ron DeMentis pushes for an open carry law, and he is likely to get it: . “Untrained carry is what it is”: .

Orange Julius’ campaign struggles to raise money: . Again, his legal problems will mount significantly in the next few months. He asks donors to contribute to a campaign that may never (hopefully!) occur. WSJ: More: .

George Santos recuses himself from committee assignments as ethics probes play out: . This is pretty much intermission at the circus. One can hardly imagine Santos came up with this idea himself … The GOP will “drag” this out as long as possible to protect McCarthy’s fragile majority. In the meantime, Santos’ New York district lacks meaningful representation in the House. WSJ: More: .

Meanwhile, the US House is just screwing around: . All of this is going nowhere. Why do we pay people to do this?

Wait … could this screwing around ultimately have a purpose?: . This fantasy piece from Fox does lay out some avenues which could bypass McCarthy. While much of this is very unlikely, the concept of bypassing McCarthy could have some appeal to GOP moderates, if there are any left …

WSJ: House GOP passes COVID emergency termination legislation: . Again, this is just screwing around. The bill has no chance in the Senate, and Biden would of course veto it.

Texas AG Ken Paxton must face another ethics charge: . Apparently Paxton thinks the ethics bar for the members of the Texas AG office was set by one of his morally challenged predecessors, former Texas Solicitor General “Lyin’ Ted” Cruz. Not only was the election denial lawsuit without merit, Paxton’s response to the bar complaint is frivolous at best.

Ethics complaint made concerning chief justice: . The complaint does make an interesting point. However, given that the system tolerates Clarence Thomas and his wife Ginni, this complaint is not likely to go anywhere. However, the Roberts likely won’t invite the complainant to dinner …

WSJ: Uh-oh, Elon: DOJ looking at Tesla’s autopilot program: .

Fired Memphis police officers had received suspensions or reprimands: . While prior misbehavior does not make them guilty of murder, this information can be introduced at trial.

Deception in high school girls’ basketball: . This situation merits the firings that occurred.

Nikki Haley expected to announce GOP presidential run: . This is going nowhere. At best, she is running for the vice presidential nomination, and she adds very little to the GOP ticket. The GOP will win South Carolina anyway … WSJ: Um, we refuse to state the obvious: . Does the Journal think Nikki Haley will attract nonwhite voters? She is more likely to repel significant portions of the GOP base.

AI predicted climate change coming sooner than predicted: . The human race is literally killing itself and our world.

New map of the universe: . As far as I know, this work by definition has some flaws. For example, the recently operational James Webb telescope has photographed many new galaxies which are earlier and more distant than any previously known. So I would like to know how Webb’s findings affect the models of dark energy and dark matter. Apparently we have to wait a while for that information.