News for January 23 — FDA Proposes Annual COVID Booster

FDA proposes annual COVID booster: . Compared to the cost of the illness, particularly with the possibility of long COVID, routine boosters make sense. WSJ: More: .

Long COVID in China: A reader sent me a note with his thoughts on long COVID in China. Essentially, as China has indicated that 80% of their population has had COVID, and we expect 30% of patients to have at least some symptoms of long COVID, 1.4 billion people x 80% x 30% = 336 million Chinese with long COVID. I would add that for 70% of these patients, long COVID is expected to resolve within one year, so then 336 million x 30% = about 100 million longer term sufferers.

The reader’s central point, that long COVID represents a major potential burden on the Chinese health system, remains valid. Also, because rural health care in China is of uneven quality at best, rural sufferers may have difficulty obtaining any relief from their symptoms.

WSJ: Government believes it’s overpaying for Medicare: . For obvious reasons, this is not good. The government might cut reimbursement rates, which could cause insurers to drop out of the market or raise rates. Either of these outcomes would be bad for consumers.

WSJ: US weapons production inadequate for a war with China: .

Four Oath Keepers convicted of seditious conspiracy: . DOJ scores another major victory in the fight for democracy. Pelosi office invader also convicted: . WSJ: More: .

The LA shooter: Man who disarmed shooter felt a need to act: . This action occurred at the second location the shooter entered.  Last night (Sunday), 60 Minutes updated a segment from some months ago on “heroes”. Research has indicated that these people have unusually high levels of activity in their two amygdalae when shown scenes of distress. This contrasts, for example, with psychopaths, who show unusually low activity in these areas of the brain under the same circumstances.

WSJ: More on Alex Murdaugh: . Still more: .