News for January 22 — More China COVID Death Underreporting

More China COVID death underreporting: .

Successful artificial pancreas for Type 2 diabetes: .

Why a US recession is coming: . Yes, I’ve been predicting a US recession for some time, and indeed believe we had a technical recession last year. However, so far the market has continued to ignore the factors described in this article, and they are not going away.

China’s high growth rate appears to be in the past: .

Bipartisan Congressional effort to solve debt ceiling crisis: . WSJ: Meanwhile, the House GOP fruitcakes continue to say irresponsible things about the debt ceiling: . Again, the most likely solution is moderate Republicans peeling off to join Democrats to raise the debt ceiling, which is an absolute imperative.

WSJ: Our take on Tesla price cuts: . Tesla stock has taken a massive haircut. As the article notes, many investors and industry experts see waning demand for Teslas. WSJ: We double down on our Tesla tout: . If you wish to listen to the advice of an investor who has lost his entire portfolio betting on Tesla, no one can help you …

Norway estimates 180,000 Russians dead or wounded in Ukraine, Ukraine 100,000+: .

Germany won’t fight Poland sending 12 Leopard tanks to Ukraine: . This crack in the “Berlin Wall” could start the flood of Leopard tanks that Ukraine wants and needs.

WSJ: Russia claims advances near Zaporizhzhia: . Time to send in the Leopard tanks …

The OJ balloon leaks evangelicals: . Pence is clearly a more faith-aligned candidate with evangelicals than OJ. The question is whether they’re more attached to their faith or their racism. While my bet would be racism, the important point is that Pence can peel some off, further weakening OJ.

Lawmakers seek to prohibit insurrectionists from positions of public trust: . The prohibition from police officer employment is wise, in my view.

WSJ: Update on Alex Murdaugh murder trial: .

L.A. area shooting kills 10, terrorizes Lunar New Year celebrations: . UPDATE: Suspect dies of self-inflicted gunshot wound in van: . But why would a 72-year-old Asian man shoot other elderly Asians? We await news of a motive … FURTHER UPDATE: Suspect was disarmed by two heroes when he entered a second dance club: . This suggests that the shooter was not targeting specific individuals, but rather just intent on a mass killing. WSJ: More: .