News for January 21 — COVID Infects 80% of Chinese

COVID infects 80% of Chinese: . Well, here’s the rough math: 80% of 1.4 billion is 1.1 billion. A current COVID mortality rate of 0.3% would mean 3.3 million deaths. So this is completely in line with my previous estimates of 2.5 to 4 million deaths. Meanwhile, China’s “upgraded” COVID reporting is 60,000 deaths. No one believes what China says. More silliness: .

WSJ: Hey, we just caught on to major problem with crypto: . But here’s better reporting from 3 days ago: .

DOJ takes Biden documents, notes: . So I am not looking forward to this as a daily entry. WSJ: WE ARE!: .

Former Senator Rob Portman comes out for the middle: . Portman, of course, is now part of the GOP past. Currently, there doesn’t seem to be much of a future in that …

WSJ: Hey, winter is a cold time to be outside, especially in Ukraine: . Apparently, the Journal is losing any understanding of what constitutes news.

Former Navy SEAL killed in Ukraine: . Swift is the sixth American death in Ukraine.

German reluctance on tanks for Ukraine: . This may be true, but it is illogical. Germany needs a Ukrainian victory over Russia to have any hope of returning to the peaceful standoff that existed prior to Russia’s invasion. The quicker that occurs, the less Ukrainian (and Russian) blood is spilled. More: . WSJ: More: .

Chris Hipkins named New Zealand Prime Minister: . Also, he almost immediately faces a tough election. More: . “Chippy” Hipkins? Is this a cartoon?

Government responds to protests on Lima by closing … Machu Picchu?: . Also, in response to January 6, Kevin McCarthy says we should close Yellowstone and just have 364 days from now on …

Update on Paul Pelosi’s health: .

Fox’s update on Elon Musk’s health: . So, yes, this is absolutely truthy. Musk’s balls swelled to the size of his head. UPDATE: Actually, they shrunk to the size of his head, according to former Twitter employees …

The West receives stunning snowfall: . Great, but this represents a temporary reprieve, not a solution.

A rise in tornadoes outside of tornado season: . Um, duh! Tornadoes are a release of atmospheric energy. Year after year has been the hottest on record for most of the 21st century. So now the season is becoming year round. But where exactly is the news here? Also, living in a trailer is a dangerous plan … too bad poor people don’t have a better one …