News for January 20 — US COVID Hospitalizations Decline

US COVID hospitalizations decline: . WSJ: More: .

The debate over bivalent boosters: . Readers here may have a different take than the author. The data does show that those taking the booster had a reduced risk of hospitalization. So even if multiple factors are involved, the “natural selection” argument still holds. That is, the holdouts are dying at a greater rate than the people actively managing their health.

XBB.1.5 half of US COVID cases: .

“Super” gonorrhea appears in Massachusetts: . Not so super …

Major surge in fentanyl deaths in children under 14: .

Dr. Bot passes medical exam: . Thanks to an alert reader for sending this link. Dr. Bot will likely be doing your intake exam in the near future, probably over your iPhone …

More indications of China’s death toll: . While we absolutely need better data, the size of the tragedy is unmistakable.

Defense chiefs fail to resolve Ukrainian request for tanks: . Other reporting indicates Germany will allow Ukrainian soldiers to train on the Leopard tanks while this discussion continues. WSJ: More: . Still more: .

Brian Moynihan predicts Fed will raise rates above 5% and hold them there through 2024: . On top of Jamie Dimon’s prediction yesterday, the market needs to recognize economic reality. After all, Fed Chairman Powell has said rates above 5% are coming, and he has said this for some time. More from Bank of America: .

WSJ: Breaking up Wells Fargo: . I commented yesterday that I won’t do business with Wells Fargo. While the “too big to manage” argument is interesting, there are other, larger banks that are well-managed. It is the repeat offender aspect of Wells’ performance that should provoke serious federal efforts at restructuring this company.

WSJ: Peru protests in Lima grow more violent: .

King Charles wants new windfall profits of $1 billion per year to go to British poor: . Cake for everyone?

Orange Julius tells House GOP to leave Social Security and Medicare alone: . The politics of this seem quite obvious – the GOP base does not want this. Will the far right nuts ever figure this out? Apparently the nuts’ policy is “Let them eat dirt”.

OJ withdraws lawsuit against NY AG: . So the $1 million sanction has already had a positive effect. Money talks and BS walks, even in federal court. At least it does for Judge Middlebrooks, who levied the sanction and was overseeing this lawsuit as well. Withdrawal without prejudice means OJ reserves the right to file on this matter again, but it would be truly insane to do that.

Meanwhile, Racist Ron burnishes his credentials: . DeMentis clearly does not understand what a motivator this is for the Democratic base. This may – may – improve his chances for the 2024 GOP Presidential nomination, but it’s a loser in the general election. Who does the GOP have, anyway? Oh, yeah – Orange Julius – who is already looking for something with which to kick DeMentis “in the nuts”: . The GOP looks to break further …

And meanwhile, even Republicans think the House GOP is “dysfunctional”: . This sign flashes bright red on the pending battle over the debt ceiling. So where are the GOP moderates in the House?

3 active-duty Marines charged in January 6 insurrection: . The DOJ rolls on in bringing perpetrators to justice …

WSJ: Our take on Jacinda Ardern’s resignation: .

Stills and Nash praise Crosby: . Damar Hamlin’s road to recovery will be long: . As readers know, I have been concerned that a comprehensive medical assessment had not been made public. We are now getting a fuller picture of the obstacles he faces. Best wishes for his recovery.