News for January 13 — Pfizer Booster Data Concerns CDC

Pfizer booster data concerns CDC: . The data suggests an increased stroke risk in older patients. However, the agencies believe the safety signal will not prove to be statistically significant, as other data does not suggest a risk for the Pfizer booster. The Moderna data does not indicate a similar risk with their booster. More: .

J&J cuts vaccine production: .

United Healthcare says “tripledemic” did not impact its claims expense: . WSJ: More: .

WSJ: China’s antiviral shortage: . I feel fortunate to not live in China, especially at the present time.

US will hit the debt ceiling January 19: . Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen has indicated that she will take special measures to avoid a US default before early June. Particularly with the expected coming downturn in the US economy, this feels like the wrong time for the GOP to play with fire. However, rational or patriotic behavior has not been a recent characteristic of the GOP.

WSJ: Mild winter protects European economies: . But it’s only January 13 …

China’s exports contract: . More evidence appears pointing to a global recession.

Tesla extends price cuts to US, Europe: . While Tesla’s shares have lost over 2/3 of their previous value, clouds continue to gather over the company. These price cuts eat into margins while competitors get stronger and a global recession looms. Meanwhile, the cache of an Elon Musk product is being washed away by his destruction of Twitter, odd politics and excessive ego. WSJ: More: . Still more: An alternative viewpoint: .

WSJ: Federal judge blows off Musk motion to move shareholder suit: . As noted here previously, this was a stupid and desperate motion.

Exxon Mobil accurately predicted effects of climate change 50 years ago: . Despite accurate forecasts, Exxon’s executives chose to criticize the science.

WSJ: FAA failed software has been previously flagged as vintage and failing: .

South African heavyweight boxer Gerrie Coetzee passes at 67: .

Robbie Bachman of Bachman-Turner Overdrive passes at 69: .

Robbie Knievel, son of Evel, dies at 60: . Sadly, Robbie died of pancreatic cancer. You will note that, appallingly, the headline and the link call his dad “Evil”, and Robbie “the Son of Evil”. As People did this more than once, it’s not a typo. People apparently does not know people.

Will the 49ers-Seahawks playoff game be a slog?: . If conditions are so bad fans are advised to stay away, should the NFL really be playing this game?