News for October 22 — CDC Director Walensky Has COVID

CDC Director Walensky has COVID: . WSJ: More: .

Researchers claim COVID study misrepresented: . On October 17, we carried an article via Yahoo that researchers had developed a modified Omicron virus that was 80% lethal. Our comment was, Why is such research being performed? The researchers have responded to the original article to say it misrepresented their work. The mortality rate applies to lab mice, for which the unmodified virus was 100% lethal. In other words, the quoted mortality rate is for mice.

This however, does not fully address the problems with this study. We know that coronavirus infects a wide variety of mammals, with effects that range from mild to lethal. In other words, the mortality rate varies by species. So no one knows whether this modified virus is more or less lethal in humans than the unmodified virus. Presumably no one wants to find out by infecting a human.

As such, this experiment should only have been permitted if it was performed under extremely strict biohazard protocols. Even then, the experiment raises ethical questions apparently not addressed. Remember, some believe the original pandemic was started by escape of a coronavirus from the Wuhan lab. At least, the new reporting informs us about the questions raised by the original article.

Genes link schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: .

Allergy medications may contribute to opioid deaths: . The CDC study notes that 71% of opioid deaths involving allergy medications involve Benadryl. Opioids create respiratory depression while Benadryl has a sedative effect. While naloxone (also known as Narcan) can reverse the effects of opioids, it has no effect on antihistamines.

Battleground state polls give Republican House candidates a 6 point advantage: . Because this poll was based on generic preferences (R or D) rather than the actual candidates, this is not particularly definitive. However, it is worrisome for Democrats given the size of the sample (over 100,000 likely voters). It seems clear that this election will come down to turnout. With record early voting in Georgia, for example, the polls may not be that predictive of final results.

Orange Julius says 2024 presidential run by Mike Pence would be very disloyal: . What? Does anyone recall Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony that OJ said “Pence deserves it” in response to his loyalists chanting “Hang Mike Pence” at the Capitol during the January 6 insurrection?: . OJ is now a certifiable lunatic.

Boris Johnson gains support to become next Prime Minister: . This really does not solve any of the Conservative party’s problems.

Saudi prince advised by doctors not to travel to upcoming summit in Algeria: . Perhaps this article is just trying to imply the more obvious conclusion. That is, it is King Salman’s frailty leading to the advice for the son not to travel.

Russia continues targeting of Ukrainian electrical grid: . WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Xi’s vision for China: . Here is an alternative view to the Journal. The West has “suggested” that Xi extend his reach to Russia and the Central Asian countries in between rather than fooling with Taiwan. The West intends Russia’s failure against Western weaponry and tactics as a warning. We could have wiped the Russian army off the map in a direct conflict. More: Party Congress realigns leadership, apparently following Xi’s preferences: . This looks like yes men on steroids. UPDATE: New leadership unveiled on Sunday: .

Carly Simon loses her two sisters to cancer on consecutive days: .