News for October 19 — FDA Approves Novavax COVID Booster

FDA approves Novavax COVID booster: .

Severe COVID increases schizophrenia risk: .

COVID spiked US deaths from pregnancy and childbirth: . These deaths hit minority communities especially hard.

CDC advisory panel to hold annual meeting on recommended vaccines: . CDC issued a rare tweet to specifically refute Tucker “Rhymes With” Carlson’s claim that this group would mandate COVID vaccines in schools. The panel does not have that power. However, the panel did recommend adding the COVID vaccine to the list of vaccines given for free to school children: .

WSJ: Abbott addresses infant formula fiasco: .

Black death plague affected the human immune system: . We assume that “survival of the fittest” means that the survivors are stronger. Here, the survivors may also have an increased weakness to other diseases. More: .

Premature birth drug doesn’t work: . This drug will go off the market in short order. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: UK inflation exceeds 10%: .

Beijing increases COVID restrictions as cases surge: .

Another sign that the Ukrainians will retake Kherson: . It is most likely that they will take Kherson by encircling the city and forcing the Russian troops there to surrender. This puts considerable pressure on the Russian commanders to withdraw. Given their supply line problems, withdrawal would be the sensible move. WSJ: More: .

Putin declares martial law in annexed regions of Ukraine: . The objective is to form militias of the men in these areas to fight the Ukrainian advances. This seems beyond desperate. WSJ: More: .

Barack Obama hits the campaign trail: . Note that he is campaigning for female and black candidates. That is a sensible use of his time and talents, as this is really a get-out-the-vote tour in (mostly) close races.

Orange Julius found to have committed fraud in election filings: . By ordering these e-mails to be given to the January 6 committee, the judge is saying attorney-client privilege does not apply here specifically because the communication between the attorney and client was done in furtherance of a crime. Also, John Eastman is screwed because this is obviously unethical behavior. Presumably he will be barred from the practice of law. WSJ: More: .

OJ also knew his letters to Kim Jong Un were classified when he took them to Mar-a-Lago: .

Yanks fans pay back Josh Naylor: . And my guess is they’ll continue to pay him back next season …

James Webb telescopes provides astonishingly detailed pictures of the “Pillars of Creation”: .

NASA’s BOAT (Brightest of All Time): . Just to parse this out, the detection of a large gamma-ray burst allowed us to see this event. This burst occurred 1.9 billion years ago, and gamma rays travel at the speed of light. Therefore, telescopes were pointed in the direction of the gamma ray burst, allowing us to see the burst at all wavelengths.