New Omicron subvariants emerge: . Again, this remains an arms race between the vaccines and the variants.
New German COVID rules implemented: .
WSJ: US falls short of COVID vaccine donation goal: . Do people at the Journal think before they write? Poorer countries, particularly in Africa, have had to destroy vaccine doses because the countries lacked the ability to get the vaccine in people’s arms. Distribution problems include people to administer shots and adequate refrigeration. Since vaccines have a limited shelf life, it makes no sense to ship more until the distribution problem is solved. And funding alone does not fix distribution; you have to actually build the network.
US monkeypox cases decline: .
WSJ: We don’t know squat about economics or history: . The Journal hits a new low in pathetic analysis. The facts are clear. The new government adopted a major tax cut at a time when interest rates are spiking and it can least afford the resulting debt payments. This is a page out of the conservative playbook, specifically the Reagonomics page, including focusing the cuts on the rich (so-called trickle-down economics). That page led to major US government deficits 40 years ago and did not work that well, obviously.
So who would try this in an environment of rapidly rising rates? Dimwits who don’t understand history, that’s who. These tax cuts did not work before, in an economic environment that was not as unfavorable as this one. Unfavorable because we’ve never had such low interest rates as we’ve had in the last few years. There is immense leveraging in the price of long-term bonds when you start from such a low interest rate. Get a clue, Mr. McIntosh. Here’s a big clue: .
Florida meets climate change: What the hell is this article talking about, “quandry”? First of all, it’s “quandary”. Second, who thinks science is debatable? Florida Governor Ron DeMentis, that’s who. Since when is anti-science posturing acceptable in the public forum? Since Orange Julius, and before – the 20th century tobacco executives come to mind. As I have said here before, it’s “Truth, Justice and the American Way” – in that order. If we screw up the first one, the other two are in danger.
Wyoming begins world’s largest carbon removal project: . This looks to be massively scalable, the formula for success in the battle to save the planet.
The world continues to unite against Putin as Ukrainian gains continue: . This article mostly summarizes information that has appeared here over the last several days. However, it also indicates that Central Asian countries are turning away. Putin’s influence therefore continues to contract on all sides. WSJ: More: .
Lyman has been recaptured by the Ukrainians: . WSJ: More: .
Burkina Faso suffers second coup in 9 months: .
Oath Keepers defense throws Orange Julius under the bus: . When you’re desperate, you make “novel” arguments. You are no doubt aware that the Nuremberg defense, “I was only following orders”, did not go well for the Nazis. This defense is, “I was only following orders that never came”. Its chances would seem to be less than zero, which is fine.
Swiss chocolate bunny wars: . This ruling comes down about as far away from Easter on the calendar as you can get.
Indonesian soccer match stampede leaves at least 130 dead: . Tragically, humans once again prove that use of tear gas carries extreme risks. WSJ: More: .
Tua Tagovailoa concussion fallout continues: . First, the union did the right thing by firing their independent reviewing physician who cleared Tagovailoa. Everyone who saw what happened (and the videotape is out there) has to be concerned that the first injury and clearance was a contributing factor in the second injury. WSJ: More: .
What no one is discussing right now are the horrifying results of autopsies on former players that show almost every one had CTE: (this study is from 2017 – 5 freaking years ago!). That situation requires that extreme precautions be taken whenever a serious concussive event occurs. The players union is advocating stricter review protocols. That is also absolutely the right course. Very few fathers I know would allow their children to play football. The health risks are too great.