News for September 22 — COVID Long-term Brain Injury Risks

COVID long-term brain injury risks: . This large US study indicates over 6 million Americans may have suffered these injuries already.

WSJ: Inhaled COVID vaccines for Asia: . Recall that different COVID variants have different infection paths in the upper and lower respiratory systems. This suggests that vaccines inhaled through the nose could offer the best protection.

WSJ: COVID fraud estimate triples to $45 billion: . Of course, all this happened on OJ’s “watch”, or as Stephen Colbert called him tonight, the Count of Mostly Crisco.

VA decision to provide abortion services irritates GOP: . The Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution means federal laws take precedence over state laws. Actions by the federal government on federal property are solely the responsibility of the federal government.

WSJ: Slight uptick in weekly jobless claims to 213,000: .

The bears crank up the recession bandwagon: . Dalio has been saying these things for some time, as the article notes, as has this newsletter. But also, the yield curve remains inverted, which is a sure sign of recession. I also agree that the downturn will continue well into 2023. However, Dalio’s suggestion that it will last well into 2024 is in my view less likely. We’ll see. Should Putin use a nuclear weapon of any kind, for example, all bets are off.

WSJ: We’re on the recession bandwagon, too: . However, the article’s graphic comparing the 3 month and 10 year yields is misleading. An inverted yield curve simply means short-term interest rates exceed long-term rates. The 3 month/10 year comparison is a rough proxy the author apparently thinks is standard, but other proxies are used. Again, these are proxies. The yield curve remains inverted when you look at all durations.

WSJ: Bank of Japan finally intervenes on the yen: . They are at least 60 days too late.

Putin’s desperation grows: . One feels something will crack in Russia soon. Actually, one hopes something will crack in Russia soon. WSJ: Meanwhile, Russians feel the sudden urge for a one-way road trip: .

Fake Hitler gets real hard time: . It works out. This nutball wanted Orange Julius to get four more years, and now he has four years of his own.

OJ squeezed as walls close in: . The content of this article has already been reported throughout the week, but I like to say, “OJ squeezed”.

Interesting legal arguments develop in Oath Keepers case: . The defense has staked out a creative approach to their clients’ problems here. It also appears that the government has focused on a very weak point in the defense. We will see what Judge Mehta rules, but I think the defense ultimately will fail. Rhodes’ comments about “legal cover” are likely to sink this enterprise.

More from our least favorite nutball: . We called this a mental meltdown yesterday. Legal experts here call it “almost delusional”? Almost?

Special master asks for help in Mar-a-Lago documents review: . The special master is making considerable effort to complete this review on a timely basis. Previous reporting has indicated he hopes to complete the review well in advance of the November 30 deadline set by Judge Cannon.

Special master continues in the “put up or shut up” vein: . Dearie is quickly dismantling the obfuscation Orange Julius spews about the search. It is delightful that Judge Cannon has sidelined herself with the help of OJ’s delaying tactics. Dearie is not going to take any crap. WSJ: More: .

Meanwhile, the MyPillow guy won’t be getting his phone back: . Particularly delightful reading comes from the judge’s order trashing Dershowitz’ legal work: . And the judge is an OJ appointee.

WSJ: We print absurd trash just to keep our readers: . Sane people stopped listening to Dershowitz even before the original OJ (Simpson) trial. Dershowitz’ comments about the DOJ search at Mar-a-Lago cannot be taken seriously if you have any concern for national security or OJ’s failure to return confidential government property to the government.

The overly enthusiastic start counting their chickens: . I agree that taking the Fifth in a civil case of this nature is suicide. However, the writer fails to recognize two critical points. First, Orange Julius has always dragged out litigation as a method of breaking his opponents. He just doesn’t realize that won’t work with state and federal prosecutors. Second, when you’re facing multiple cases in which you’re screwed, dragging everything out is the best way to enjoy your time before the axe falls. I don’t think OJ will settle this case. After all, his lemming followers are paying for everything:

The unending stream of corrupt OJ minions continues: .

Supreme Court splits along gender lines on execution ruling: . As appalling as this ruling is, I am mildly encouraged that Justice Barrett did something other than blindly follow the conservative nutblock. Mildly. If the 5-4 split had found Roberts and the 3 liberals in the minority – again – all hope would be lost.

WSJ: Florida lawmaker sues DeMentis and his minions over flying migrants from Texas to Massachusetts: . We won’t know for a while if this suit passes legal muster. But I applaud this fellow for standing up to this misuse of Florida taxpayer funds.

Amy Cooper, aka “Central Park Karen”, loses defamation suit against her former employer: . No doubt Amy Cooper has suffered severe consequences for her false and racist accusations. However, the court has found that the responsibility must rest with Amy Cooper.

NASA will crash spacecraft into asteroid: . While this does have a serious purpose, it also has a certain “boys with toys” feel.

And the Aaron Judge home run watch … continues: . O…M…G… I keep hearing Don Addams/Maxwell Smart : “Missed it by that much …” WSJ: More: . Of course. Catch the ball and become a millionaire. I hope there is extra security out there.