News for September 13 — Long COVID Hit 17 Million Europeans

Long COVID hit 17 million Europeans: .

Fifth Circuit rehears vaccine mandate fight: . The Fifth Circuit is a conservative court. I would not expect the mandate to survive this rehearing by the full panel.

German man receives life in prison for murder over COVID mask dispute: .

Monkeypox death reporting adjustment: . To clarify, yesterday we reported this as the “second” monkeypox death. However, as a severely immunocompromised person died in the first infection, we now consider the Los Angeles death first.

Hello Fresh could be Hello Doctor for some: . E. coli can be fatal, and can also cause lingering illness. So take this warning very seriously.

Lindsey Graham proposes nationwide abortion ban at 15 weeks: . Since this bill is going nowhere in 2022, it reflects political posturing (apparently) designed to turn out the GOP base in support. It seems obvious that the larger effect will turn out women and the Democratic base in opposition. Lindsey Graham is therefore working to guarantee that the GOP remains in the minority for years to come, which is just fine with me. More: . WSJ: More: . Even the Journal recognizes that this is suicidally stupid for the GOP: . More: A near-total abortion ban in West Virginia: .

WSJ: Real US income growth is stagnant: . The pressure for upward wage growth builds. You are looking at another broad-based inflationary pressure here.

The drop in two-wage-earner families: . That the drop is concentrated in lower-income households should be no surprise. Child care is really, really expensive these days.

Mixed reaction to Inflation Reduction Act: . Good grief! Even the polling data in the article shows that while people think the Act is misnamed, they like its provisions. What yahoo (pronounced “yay-hoo”) wrote this article? A Yahoo yahoo, that’s who (whew!).

The markets drop as inflation remains stubbornly high: . The initial round of inflation reflected supply chain disruption, which could have been transitory but has not yet been resolved. However, as we have argued for some time, once unleashed inflation is hard to contain. We are already in technical recession. Now, the Fed must force the economy into further contraction in order to lower inflation. And we still think the tool they have (interest rate hikes) is ill suited to the job.

WSJ: US bank deposits decline: . The article raises the interesting point that rapidly declining deposits could stress bank reserves. However, the author goes on to suggest that this could lead the Fed to ease up on interest rate increases. That seems like a bridge too far. The Fed now has to keep raising rates until inflation comes down, even this leads to more contraction.

WSJ: Ukraine economy begins to stabilize: . Exporting the stored crops has to be helping.

Putin faces domestic opposition to Ukraine war: . This is extremely rare in Russia given the defenestration of opponents. This may be in support of the seven Russian lawmakers summoned by the local police. Also, there may be local chatter about Putin’s health that makes these politicians bolder. And of course, the war is going very badly for Russia over the past 10 days.

WSJ: Russia lacks any exit strategy from Ukraine: . This article takes a long time to miss the point. The Ukrainian advances in the north continue. General mobilization would be a terrible choice, because the war has already shown that the Russians cannot use conscripts effectively. Russia’s best choice now, in my view, is to call Ukraine to the negotiating table and make a somewhat generous settlement in order to end the war. But Putin likely does not have the ability to make that choice. Is defenestration in his future?

Putin visits Xi: . So Russia won’t win in Ukraine. This visit is cementing Russia’s devolution into a satellite of China. However, Xi will face increasing isolation by flying in the face of international condemnation of Russia.

NY judge to OJ Organization: Cut the crap: . As has been mentioned here many times, litigation Rule No. 1 is Don’t piss off the judge. The judge has ruled out delay, made clear why, and also ruled out potential defense arguments that are not appropriate defenses. Recall the Steve Bannon trial, where the judge also ruled out various defense theories before trial. Incredibly, the defense attorney said to the court, Gee, why even try the case? Ultimately, they put on no defense – and lost. The defense here needs to get a clue – which is, they currently have shown no defense.

Why Orange Julius is in deep doo over the document situation: . As readers know, I regularly include links to opinions that differ from mine. Here, a former federal prosecutor comes to same conclusion stated here yesterday – the latest OJ legal team filing shows desperation. Shan Wu goes on to make several excellent points in defense of his comments.

I will add two comments somewhat more charitable to the defense. First, you have to say something, even when your client is guilty as sin but won’t admit any mistake. Second, they’ve already received one screwball ruling from this newly-minted, OJ-appointed federal judge. It’s possible they have some insight into the judge’s approach to the law and attitude toward OJ that led to these otherwise off-the-wall comments in their brief.

WSJ: The changing face of US Christianity: . The projections do not include the scenario that an increasing percentage of young people will leave the faith before 30. In my view, this scenario is the most likely. But also, the number of people who take the Bible literally will continue to become a smaller percentage of even the shrinking congregations. Europe is moving toward a post-religious future, and the US will follow.

Australian man killed by kangaroo: . Every day, we are reminded that there are no limits to stupidity.

Phoenix Suns and Mercury owner barred for 1 year, fined $10 million: . Actually, many expected the leagues would banish the owner. Only in the sports world is a $10 million fine “getting off easy”. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Jean-Luc Godard passes at 91: .

Ken Starr passes at 76: . In my view, Ken Starr fully exposed his character by his disastrous “leadership” of Baylor. NBC reported the situation accurately here and in detail, the right thing to do. The quality of a person’s actions determines the respect given their lifetime. Meanwhile at WSJ: We have no clue: .