News for September 5 — COVID Rule Status on Cruises

COVID rule status on cruises: . They’re still floating Petri dishes …

WSJ: The COVID booster modification process: . This ability to rapidly modify a vaccine in the face of an evolving virus is precisely the point of the mRNA technology. So the technology is likely to have very wide application in fighting viral diseases.

China’s Zero COVID lockdowns hit 65 million: . The Chinese continue to fail to fix an obviously broken policy. WSJ: More: . COVID will not reach endemic status in China at an acceptable level until they use a high-quality vaccine to inoculate the population. Again, Zero COVID is not a sustainable long-term strategy.

WSJ: CVS announces Signify deal: .

WSJ: Ernst & Young moves forward with plan to split consulting and auditing arms: . How does this article fail to mention that the split of Anderson Consulting (now Accenture) from Arthur Anderson happened just before Anderson’s collapse over its mishandling of its audits of Enron? In light of E&Y’s current audit problems, the parallel is unmistakable and should have been discussed here.

Medicaid expansions for new mothers: .

WSJ: European natural gas prices surge: . More: . Still more: .

WSJ: In response, Germany delays nuclear plant closures: .

Euro zone sees second month of economic contraction: . The signs of global recession are literally everywhere.

WSJ: Ocean shipping rates have dropped 60% this year: . So this is very good news on the inflation front. We need to reestablish smooth supply chains to reduce the cost of goods.

Liz Truss named next UK prime minister: . However, this has all the earmarks of a disaster for the Conservative Party. As noted in the article, it seems clear that expanded government programs will be needed to get through the UK’s current economic difficulties. But if her first announced policy is to cut taxes, she does not understand the problem. WSJ: More: . Still more: .

Russians postpone annexation referendum in Kherson: . This is the strongest indication yet that the Ukrainians are advancing in the south.

WSJ: Russian shelling disconnects Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant from Ukrainian power grid: . It seems apparent that Russia is making coordinated moves to limit energy in Ukraine and Western Europe.

Judge grants request for special master: . WSJ: More: . Unfortunately, the judge has conclusively demonstrated that she does not know what she is doing. Most of these documents are the property of the federal government, period. Breaking the chain of custody is a crime, period. Those materials should go back to the Feds immediately, period. And national security is involved.

These obvious errors are not necessarily fatal. The special master should be able to complete his review promptly, and his recommendations should reflect the law as stated in the prior paragraph. However, one aspect not discussed in the article is the actual handling of the documents. The government has the right to examine these documents for fingerprints or other signs of handling. That is key to the intelligence assessment (which has been allowed to continue), and it is also evidence in any criminal charges. So one hopes the special master will make appropriate arrangements in this regard.