News for September 4 — China Approves Inhaled COVID Vaccine

China approves inhaled COVID vaccine: . This delivery system is certainly viable for respiratory illnesses. However, Cansino’s vaccines have previously had lower efficacy than Western vaccines.

Shenzhen eases weekend COVID restrictions: .

WSJ: China’s birth rate set to decline this year: . Also, China’s population may decline this year. The likelihood of decline increases if China’s COVID deaths are underreported. Again, excess mortality analysis may well be able to get to the bottom of this question. However, the restrictions associated with Zero COVID and the property market troubles are also discouraging younger people from starting or growing their families.

WSJ: China’s slowing economy reduces global inflationary pressures: . This article misses the point that much of the world is dependent on growth in the Chinese economy for growth in their local economies. So the overall effect of this slowdown is to add to recessionary pressure around the world.

Listeria found in smoked salmon: . The product involved has been recalled. It was sold in 10 states.

Midwestern E. coli outbreak now includes New York and Kentucky: .

How the move to electric vehicles could shrink the Midwest’s job market: . Absolutely electric vehicles require fewer parts than gas and diesel powered vehicles. As everyone knows, automation eliminates manufacturing jobs. Electric vehicles will just accelerate the existing trend.

US ambassador to Russia to retire as Ukraine war drags on: . This is something of a non-story as Sullivan’s term nears its end. He leaves early for a family medical reason. However, Sullivan was involved in some controversy, as the article notes.

WSJ: Ukraine continues small gains against Russian troops in the south: .

Orange Julius calls President Biden an “enemy of the state” in first rally since FBI raid at Mar-a-Lago: . What President Biden said in his speech was that much of what is going on right now is not normal. Is there any doubt that is true?

The people at OJ’s rallies are his most fervent supporters. His remarks ahead of the violence at the Capitol on January 6 clearly inflamed these “ultra-MAGA” Republicans. So too are these remarks, which also targeted the FBI and the DOJ. As we know, there has already been an attack on the FBI. There were online threats of violence against President Biden immediately after his speech. Many are predicting or even calling for another Civil War.

OJ’s rally represents his pattern of behavior even before the 2020 presidential election. As anyone can see, OJ is a self-centered incompetent. Indeed, many mental health professionals believe him to be a classic narcissist as he exhibits all of the classic behaviors. That would explain his unrelenting focus, even before the 2020 election, that if he lost, it meant a stolen election.

This behavior is much more than “not normal”. It is, as President Biden said, a threat to the foundations of our democracy. And as we all know, OJ uses this behavior for fundraising, and millions continue to pour in. Indeed, his financial take grew to over a million a day just after the FBI raid, when many GOP politicians publicly supported him against the FBI and DOJ. There is much more to this than just some nut’s life in his fantasy world.

As readers know, my view for years has been that OJ’s “abnormal” behavior must end. However, this year I concluded that I needed to do more than just comment in my daily newsletters. I have been taking steps to do that.

There is currently a technical glitch that is preventing delivery of the newsletter. I learned of this glitch yesterday morning from my readers. Thanks to those of you that have emailed or texted to inquire – I really appreciate your concern about me and the newsletter. Because this arose over the Labor Day weekend, I will not be able to address this with my technical support until Tuesday (September 6).

I will provide more info in my daily postings as soon as resolution occurs, both about when mailings will resume and the steps I am taking concerning Orange Julius. In the meantime, thank you again for your readership and concern.

More news from Orange Julius Fantasy World: . In this fantasy world, OJ is competent and he is free to do whatever he wants to continue the fantasy. The facts and the rule of law must intrude.

OJ rally features the “alleged” Nazi sympathizer from the January 6 insurrection: . In May, federal courts already convicted this mentally disturbed insurrectionist on all 5 charged counts. Seriously, with over 850 people facing charges from the insurrection, why would any competent political operation decide to highlight this Nazi lunatic?

Bed Bath & Beyond CFO leaps to his death from NYC luxury apartment: . The suicide seems to have an obvious trigger, reported earlier this week: . More: . WSJ: More: .

The clearest lake in the world: . In my childhood, Crater Lake in southern Oregon was often cited as the clearest lake in the world. However, the introduction of game fish into the lake has somewhat disrupted the clarity. The linked article (from 2013) discusses the current champion, in which the water is fully replaced every 24 hours (!).

FAMU players hurt playing North Carolina: . This article hardly goes far enough into the problem. Everyone knows the major college programs seek a smaller college as their first opponent in the year to get an easy win and tune-up for their season. Payments are commonly in the $400,000 to $800,000 range. The problem is, the major programs’ players outweigh the smaller college player by 50 to 100 pounds at each position.

So the small college players walk into a meat grinder for the financial benefit of the small college’s athletic programs. Everyone knows it, it’s shameful, and it needs to stop.