News for September 3 — The Uncertain Fall COVID Wave

The uncertain fall COVID wave: . The conclusion here is that if BA5 remains the dominant variant in the US, a fall surge is unlikely because we now have a targeted vaccine that Americans will take. There are multiple logical flaws in this “analysis”. The article starts from the premise that because COVID is a respiratory infection, a wave is likely in the fall. There is no compelling evidence that the waves are seasonal. Most recently, we have gone through waves about every two months.

Since most Americans have not taken the current booster, there is good reason to believe that most will not take the new booster. I agree that trying to make it a “two-fer” when you get your flu shot is an appropriate strategy. But even getting 50% of those eligible to take the new booster would not prevent a wave, and would be a 50% increase over the use level of the current booster.

In short, over two years into the pandemic, the experts are still just guessing, as Fauci acknowledges at the end of the article. Swell.

More guessing with odd assumptions: . Here too the key assumption is that the public will broadly embrace the new booster when they have not done so with the existing booster. We’ll see soon enough.

UK to commence fall vaccine push: . Remember, in Europe the vaccines were updated to the BA1 virus. We have (appropriately) chosen to update to the BA5 variant.

Eighteen million in Shenzen face lockdown: . Zero COVID is not a long-term solution to the pandemic. It is, however, a long-term recipe for tanking China’s economy. WSJ: More: .

COVID cases rise in Russia: . It is also possible that this reflects more accurate reporting by Russia. As the article notes, excess mortality in Russia indicates a death toll from COVID far higher than reported.

WSJ: Ukraine plans slow offensive: .

Thirteen states could tax student loan debt forgiveness: . This strikes me as extremely unpopular, even with those not having student loan debt.

Another fuel leak scrubs Artemis launch a second time: . WSJ: More: .