News for August 23 — Moderna Seeks FDA Booster Approval

Moderna seeks FDA booster approval: . WSJ: More: . Still more: .

Menstruation effects of COVID vaccine: . This study indicates vaccination has measurable but temporary effects on menstruation. However, as the respondents self-reported, there is a possibility of reporting bias in these results.

More on Omicron-specific boosters in September: .

AstraZeneca looks to leave vaccine business: .

WSJ: US life expectancies by state: . Basically, it sucks to live in the Deep South.

World food shortage intensifies: . We have 400 million people nearing starvation. That is 5% of the world’s population. Meanwhile, we are seizing yachts worth hundreds of millions of dollars from Russian oligarchs. Is this any way to run a planet?

WSJ: US reshoring exported jobs: . While these jobs represent only a small part of the 9 million jobs added under President Biden, the trend looks long-lasting. As mentioned here before, automation means far fewer jobs will return than departed. This is a significant negative for developing countries in the US supply chain.

Global recession is locking in: . And the US will not escape.

Another indicator: The euro has fallen below parity with the dollar: .

WSJ: Yuan falls to 2 year low against dollar: . My view is that everyone sees a global recession coming, and so assets are moving to the dollar as a safe currency. The dollar is therefore strong, but only in relative terms.

WSJ: War momentum favors Ukraine: . Duh. This is hardly analysis. As we have said from the beginning, once the war turned to a long grind, Western industrial production and supply would outstrip Russia’s ability. Ukrainian strikes behind Russian front lines are designed to weaken supply lines and support. They also damage Russian morale.

Mitch McConnell says American democracy strong, voter fraud rare: . Well, great. It took over 18 months from January 6 for Mitch to make this brilliant statement, where he calls January 6 “not good”. In context, this passes for standing up to Orange Julius in the GOP. But it’s not exactly Liz Cheney, is it?

McConnell’s conference still includes Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley, both of whom spoke and voted to decertify the election on January 6. McConnell’s fellow senator from Kentucky, Rand Paul, is a nut. And the conference as a group opposes everything despite America’s many needs. Who thinks this is how democracy is supposed to function? We are in desperate need of constructive, rational, fact-based discussion.

Sean Hannity suggests he will sue John Fetterman for saying Hannity lies: . HaHaHaHaHa. Fetterman has nailed Hannity, and this is the best response Hannity has? Fetterman is clearly more entertaining than Hannity. And he’s also truthful.

Crist picked to battle DeMentis for Florida governor’s mansion: . We learn that DeMentis has a massive war chest which he is no doubt building for a presidential run. Crist, as a former Republican governor, is the Democrat best suited to peel away whatever thinking voters remain in the Florida GOP. It’s a tough road, but I’m glad Charlie Crist has picked this fight. WSJ: More: .

Meanwhile, the Mar-a-Lago classified document story becomes increasingly outrageous: . We learn that multiple agencies at the federal level were concerned about the removal of classified materials from the White House. As usual, OJ is lying to his base about his level of cooperation, of course in order to fleece them of more contributions. WSJ: More: .

National Archives letter demonstrates the trouble OJ is in: . More: . Again, OJ’s legal position appears increasingly desperate. The GOP has another reason for wanting OJ to not announce he’s running before November. However, as OJ cares about no one but himself, he may declare anyway. With more than 2 years to go until November 2024, a declaration provides no legal protection to him. OJ’s lawyers have certainly told him that. But again, there is every sign desperation has set in.

So why would the NARA letter be leaked from the OJ side? Everyone is stumped: . As to the OJ suit requesting a special master, even the judge is stumped: . And she is an OJ appointee. D-E-S-P-E-R-A-T-I-O-N.