News for August 19 — COVID Increases Brain Fog Risk

COVID increases brain fog risk: . While treatments are reducing the risks of hospitalization and death, long term health consequences remain common.

US losing focus on COVID: . That’s us — fat, dumb and grumpy. Seriously, 400 deaths a day is almost 150,000 annually, and new variants could accelerate the toll. Also, failure to keep boosted is dangerous and stupid.

FDA asks Pfizer to test second Paxlovid dose against rebound: .

Half of global cancer deaths preventable: . It’s hard to know whether this attempt to quantify the effect of these well-known risk factors is accurate. But it is in the ballpark. These risk factors also make major contributions to heart disease and death.

WSJ: Polio protection in the US: . More: .

China sends troops to Russia: . I have always felt Kissinger’s view of the “balance of power” was an eighteenth century concept that rightfully belongs to the eighteenth century. But look at the list of countries participating in Russia’s military exercise. India’s participation shows its intent to stay positioned between the superpowers while it emerges as a developed nation. The development of the “two axes” model of the global economy already plants seeds of risk.

WSJ: New US aid package to Ukraine: . Many of these weapons support a counteroffensive strike. In other words, we are doing more than helping Ukraine defend itself. More: .

Judge approving FBI raid of Mar-a-Lago faces death threats: . For those not yet convinced that January 6 represents an ongoing threat to American democracy, Orange Julius continues to foment violent activity among his followers. So has this somehow affected the surprise decision to release portions of the affidavit? Will OJ’s demands for release of the entire affidavit generate more threats?

Orange Julius’ lies about Mar-a-Lago: . This article provides a detailed refutation of OJ’s lies. You will note that OJ had prior notice of the search, so it was not a raid. However, I will likely continue that reference as it will help those searching this website for the unfolding of this search and the subsequent legal consequences.

Is American democracy dependent on the continued incompetence of those surrounding Orange Julius?: . To some extent, unfortunately the answer is currently yes. However, the incompetents around Hitler did not ultimately prevent him from seizing power.

Another January 6 supporter pleads guilty: . While these 850 clog up the DOJ, the courts and the prisons, OJ continues to radicalize his followers even as his own legal troubles mount.

Ron DeMentis burnishes his hate credentials: . DeMentis has promoted a variety of hate actions and disinformation, including anti-LGBTQ+ legislation in Florida. So now he will rally with the GOP candidate for Pennsylvania governor, who is an election denier involved with Gab, a prominent right-wing site for anti-Semitic and racist speech. DeMentis, as usual, shows pathetic judgment in his attempts to be the successor to Orange Julius in the former Republican Party.

More hate in Florida: . DeMentis’ hate speech and actions have consequences.

NY GOP candidate calls for Garland’s execution: . Today’s news emphasizes how pervasive hate speech is becoming. Political scientists have documented the tribal nature of the GOP. But now it is devolving into an armed, hateful mob.

Democrats push back on abortion: . Remember, Mike Pence has positioned himself as the moderate alternate to Orange Julius. The indicators of GOP radicalization are everywhere.

The fight over government redaction of documents: . So remember all the GOP bluster about Garland’s delays in deciding to raid Mar-a-Lago? The deliberative process exception puts pressure on the conflict between prompt action and appropriate government consideration.

A lighter view of the OJ cartel: . Trevor Noah takes us through the OJ associates sent to prison. The list will keep growing, but will it grow fast enough?

Here’s a longer list from Chris Hayes at MSNBC: . And it’s scarier. These crooks may have been caught, but it is an amazingly long list.

Alex Murdaugh hit with additional financial indictments: . This guy will be in prison for a long, long time.