News for July 30 — COVID “Paxlovid Rebound” Hits Biden

COVID “Paxlovid rebound” hits Biden: . While this rebound is considered rare, there is no meaningful data on how often it occurs. When Biden began taking Paxlovid, we mentioned this possibility but hoped it did not occur. Now, we have to hope there are no long COVID symptoms coming out of this relapse. WSJ: More: . Still more: .

COVID causes China’s July manufacturing to contract: . Again, we are moving full speed ahead to a global recession. And more accurately, it is the ridiculous Zero COVID policy that has led to lockdowns and contraction.

Monkeypox vaccine distribution leaves Africa behind: . This article makes the important point that there are two versions of monkeypox. The more dangerous version remains contained in Central Africa. However, the vaccine stockpile and the monkeypox spread in Africa have both existed for quite some time. As has been discussed in previous newsletters, there long has been geopolitical bias against bringing modern medical treatments to fight disease in Africa.

WSJ: Energy-based inflation: . While I expect most energy prices to moderate short-term (natural gas being an exception), it is true that shifting to cleaner forms of energy will impose long-term price increases. Still, it has always been true that half the planet constantly bathes in sunlight. For a variety of reasons, we must become more efficient at capturing and using that energy. More: .

“The former guy”: . Whether you say “the former guy” or “Orange Julius”, the point is the same. Many of us have considerable aversion to giving more publicity to “the former guy”. While the guy may believe all publicity is good publicity, the January 6 committee is breaking down that concept, at least as far as OJ is concerned.

Joe Manchin takes “Full Ginsburg” victory lap: . While the terminology is interesting, more importantly Manchin must describe the so-called deception of Mitch McConnell in order to get both the Chips bill and the Inflation Reduction Act through the Senate. Also, he will face questions on getting Kyrsten Sinema on board with his bill.