News for June 30 — BA5 Outcompeting BA4 in US

BA5 outcompeting BA4 in US: . Of course we should update the vaccines. The central question is the ability of BA5 to evade the updated vaccine.

FDA wants Omicron subvariants targeted in fall vaccines: As the mRNA used is just a snippet of the virus, switching to an mRNA snippet from the new subvariants poses no health risk. However, while this justifies no testing, this result may cause some to delay the vaccination until others have had their shot without consequences. WSJ: More: .

Pfizer requests formal Paxlovid approval: . The drug is currently distributed under an EUA. WSJ: More: .

Supreme Court limits EPA authority to curb greenhouse gas emissions: . WSJ: More: . Here is a more complete discussion of the case from the time the case was argued (February 2022): .

The conservative supermajority (that is, when Roberts participates) is making new law at a breakneck speed, much as the Court did in the early 1930’s in opposing FDR’s New Deal. That did not turn out well for the Court, and ended with the retirement of the so-called Four Horsemen: . Freakily, the swing votes then was the previous Justice Roberts – Owen Roberts.

In regard to Roe, I commented that the present conservative bloc has learned nothing from history or law school. Those comments have come horrifyingly true in less than a week. Also, I have spoken previously of Gorsuch as a conservative of average quality but the most capable of the current conservative bloc. That may still be true, but I disown any suggestion that he is a capable justice. This “major questions” insanity really is the apocalypse for the Supreme Court, and it is deadly serious. These people are an embarrassment, and they are relatively young.

Biden supports bypassing filibuster to codify Roe: . WSJ: More: . Essentially, this gets down to Joe Manchin. Manchin has said that he views the most recent justices as misleading in their Supreme Court testimony regarding Roe. This is his chance to fix that mistake. Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski could also continue their efforts to obtain a compromise on codifying Roe, although that has already failed once.

But here’s the problem with the “major issues” apocalypse. Democrats are likely to lose the House in November. They have a good chance of retaining the Senate, and even gaining a vote or two. In that world, Manchin loses his juice in the 50-50 Senate. However, Biden can get absolutely nothing done with a Republican House, which might even investigate Hunter Biden. If you think things have been ugly in the first 2 years of the Biden presidency, wait until the next 2.

Still, I would bet that codifying Roe is unlikely, and addressing the “major issues” apocalypse extremely unlikely. FDR didn’t do it, and he was vastly more popular than Biden. FDR was also a forceful personality, which Biden sadly is not. Manchin will be reluctant to bust the filibuster to give EPA more regulatory authority because that will not be popular in West Virginia.

The Democrats are going to punt until 2024, in which case Biden’s presidency is essentially finished and the insanity at the Supreme Court will grow. Hoping for a major ballot box victory in November (that is, keeping the House and Senate) is in my view a pipe dream. But it is Biden’s style.

WSJ: Ketanji Brown Jackson sworn in to replace Stephen Breyer on Supreme Court: .

Texas immigrant smuggling tragedy worsens: . The death toll has risen to 53. The alleged truck driver posed as a surviving immigrant and may have been on drugs when arrested.

Ted Cruz served 15 page ethics complaint over his role in January 6: . Given the discipline to Rudy Giuliani and other lawyers involved in January 6, this complaint may have some legs.

UCLA and USC leave Pac 12 for Big Ten: . Keeping count becomes increasingly difficult. The Big Ten currently has 14 football teams, and will now have 16. The Pac 12 will shrink back to 10. WSJ: More: .