News for June 29 — US Purchases Fall Pfizer Boosters

US purchases fall Pfizer boosters: . At $3.2 billion, the government is paying $31 per dose.

US purchases Lilly COVID drug: . At $275 million for 150,000 doses, the US is paying $1,833 per dose.

Elmo receives COVID shot: . I’m tickled by this news. Also, Elmo is apparently permanently 3 years old.

Macau COVID hits emergency responders: . How do the Chinese think that clinging to a policy that fails on a daily basis is saving face? Zero COVID is not a viable long-term policy, as we have said for many months.

Hong Kong daily COVID cases over 2,000: . Same comment; see previous article. Meanwhile, Xi screws his face on tighter.

Fed will raise interest rates 75 basis points in July, 50 in September: . WSJ: More: . So we are looking at 200 basis points of increase in June/July/September. This is the fastest interest rate rise ever, as far as I know. Have you penciled in recession for the fourth quarter yet? Still more: .

WSJ: NATO upgrades its weaponry with sophisticated replacements: . Translation: The longer the war drags on, the more these sophisticated weapons will find their way to Ukraine. After all, that’s where the old Soviet stuff went. Meanwhile, the Russians are running out of artillery shells.

WSJ: US grows military presence in Europe: . Translation: see comment for previous article.

OJ falls back on lies and complaints to raise funds: . Yes, OJ remains utterly disgusting. His transmission has no other gear.

Lev Parnas gets 20 months: . WSJ: More: . OJ is involved in so many crimes it’s hard to keep track of them all. But DOJ should be able to do that.

MLB’s fourth out rule hammers the Nationals: . First of all, I’ve never heard of this rule, and I’ll bet that is true of almost every fan. Second, this rule has no obvious purpose. It should be eliminated at the first opportunity. Third, baseball looks arcane with these nutty, unknown rules, and that is a black eye for the sport.

South African tavern tragedy may be from carbon monoxide poisoning: .

The End Times draw nearer: . We all know fast food kills. Previously, I would have said that about the Doritos taco shell (which is quite tasty). However, that is looking like a normal choice relative to a giant Cheez-It. Also, did you notice that they had to remove the Mexican Pizza from their menu due to “high demand”? That seems like a wiser place to focus their time than a giant Cheez-It.