News for June 26 — Macau Restarts Mass COVID Testing

Macau restarts mass COVID testing for the third time: . For the umpteenth time, Zero COVID is not a viable long-term strategy. Also, in Macau, they locked down most of their population but kept the casinos open. Who thought that would work?

Nearly 1 in 4 American women have an abortion by age 45: . And this is with overall declines in the abortion rate.

As anticipated, a strong majority of Americans disapprove of the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade: . AOC calls for the impeachment of the justices who called Roe settled law at their confirmation hearings and gave private assurances to Senators on this matter: . Interestingly, Joe Manchin also views these justices as having misled the Senate: .

AOC’s approach has the distinct disadvantage of undermining the independence of the Court. Also, it takes 67 votes in the Senate to convict an impeached Justice, and that is not going to happen. Manchin’s approach could actually work, IF he gets the support of GOP Senators Collins and/or Murkowski (he wants it to be bipartisan) AND he agrees to override the filibuster, at least for this one issue.

Could Kavanaugh affect the 2022 elections?: . Here is the original analysis, which certainly suggests that Democratic Congresspersons should be campaigning on this issue: .

WSJ: Russia will apparently default: . Sometimes late payments are accepted to cure a default. However, Russia may not even offer payment.

Fact-based praise for the January 6 committee: . The article neglected to mention that one of GOP congressmen appointed by Kevin McCarthy, Jim Jordan, was up to his eyeballs in the events of January 6. Also, Jordan did discuss pardons with the White House. And sadly, Jonathan Turley has become just another Fox political hack. His sidestepping of the issues here is offensive.