News for June 22 — Biden Touts Children’s COVID Vaccines

Biden touts children’s COVID vaccines: . It is so sad that the less informed fail to protect their children with this safe and effective vaccine. For those of you who favor the natural selection argument, how do you feel when uninformed parents make this choice for their children?

Doctors’ group recommends easing COVID restrictions for children: . So the two lead doctors are an internist and an oncologist; they are not public health experts. Vaccination levels are lower in children than they are in adults. While children in general have less severe cases of COVID than adults, some develop long COVID and others MIS-C. And some die. The group has also been caught not doing its homework: . The Yahoo article’s description of this group as prominent is misleading at best. In my view, it is outrageous that Yahoo did not check the readily available facts.

Tennessee GOP attempts to derail kids’ COVID vaccines: . They also want to appeal the Scopes monkey trial verdict to the US Supreme Court.

COVID symptoms linger for 20% of US adult patients: .

WSJ: Merck looks to acquire Seagen: .

Moderna Omicron booster effective against BA4 and BA5: . WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Moderna to build UK vaccine plant: .

Metastasis occurs predominantly at night: . So here’s a new and scary reason to call it “the dead of night”. Note the article’s comment that night-shift jobs are probably carcinogenic.

US expands monkeypox testing capability after 142 US cases: .

Fed finds recession probable in next 2 years: . I’m at 75% minimum over the next 18 months. The Fed is at 67% over the next 2 years.

Biden to propose 3-month federal and state gas tax suspensions: . If both were enacted, and fully passed to consumers, the savings would be about $1 per gallon. But there does not appear to be the votes to do this. And personally, this seems more like a stunt than sound economic policy. I can see doing it to temporarily help the people who still have to drive to work, but otherwise it just increases demand. Many others are not fans, either: . WSJ: More: . Still more: .

Uvalde police chief placed on administrative leave: . After yesterday’s devastating assessment of the “abject failure” of the police response, the chief needed to be taken off active duty. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Details of the Senate gun control bill: . Thanks to focused Republicans, none of the gun funds will be used for abortions …

Tomorrow’s January 6 hearing will focus on OJ’s plan to oust DOJ officials: . Possibly, just possibly, the hearings will discourage the politically ambitious from joining any OJ 2024 campaign run.

Why does the GOP base stick with Orange Julius?: . This question is at the center of the threat to American democracy. Briefly, the article defines “identity advancement” as perceiving a politician as “advancing and protecting the interests of Americans”, while “prototypicality” means perceiving a politician as “characteristic of what Americans have in common”. The longitudinal study (same participants) followed a group of 200 Republicans.

The study found that “identity advancement” was a major factor in the base support, while “prototypicality” was not. Thus, the first finding identifies a key factor as to why the GOP base chooses to ignore the facts about OJ. As Orange Julius is widely perceived as the most divisive politician in American history, the second finding is not surprising. It does, however, suggest that other GOP “leaders” trying to duplicate OJ’s standing with the base may have a difficult time doing so.

 We can at least hope that OJ is a “one-off” slimeball who will remain out of power, and that the other slimeballs looking to step in will not succeed. That may explain this reporting from Tallahassee: . Remember, OJ now resides in Florida. DeMentis is too close to home.

Ron Johnson looks to slither away from the facts: . The problem with Johnson’s denial is that it does not confront the facts. Johnson does not deny that he wanted to hand this material to Mike Pence. That is participation in treason. Johnson does not enjoy the identity advancement support that OJ does. Hopefully Wisconsin voters will send that message in November. This will be a major campaign issue, along with Johnson’s record of lies and nutball statements. More: .

Remember Lev Parnas? Prosecutors recommend a prison suite for 6 to 8 years: .

Meanwhile, Sydney Powell apparently cannot resist smearing herself with manure: . It is hard to imagine how she thought this was a good idea.

All 3 of OJ’s House candidates lose in Georgia: . At the least, OJ’s endorsements in Georgia are not a positive. Meanwhile, Herschel Walker continues to misstep: . Apparently, he confused states with playing cards. So he’s expecting to see 103 other Senators if he is elected to the Senate.

WSJ: Judge delays Proud Boys trial until after election: . Everyone agrees that the Committee is producing significant new evidence.

DOJ is executing subpoenas on the fake elector scheme: .

Pennsylvania voters look to send Dr. Oz back to New Jersey: . A candidate with 63 percent unfavorable cannot win. OJ has apparently taken 1 hotly contested Senate seat off the table. Let’s hope Fetterman has no further health episodes, both for his sake and the sake of American democracy.

Russia purging top generals in Ukraine: . One thing we’ve learned from this war is that the US could wipe the Russian army from the face of the earth if it so chose. So could NATO.