News for June 19 — Macau Shuts Businesses Over COVID

Macau shuts businesses over COVID outbreak: . But the casinos continue to operate. The logic of this pandemic response is even worse than Zero COVID. I guess it’s Non-Zero COVID.

Democratic senator calls out GOP Senator Roger Marshall for pushing lies about medical abortion: . This is particularly outrageous because Marshall is an OB-Gyn and knows he is lying. Why doesn’t ACOG throw the bum out?

WSJ: Recession probability now 44%: . Are these people thinking the Fed’s expected 50 to 75 basis point interest in July will not occur? As readers know, I anticipate at least a brief US recession. I’d put the probability of that event at 75%, minimum. Interestingly, the Journal reads its result as almost assuring a recession because of the past track record of these economists. How weird is that? More about the survey: .

January Social Security COLA increase could be as high as 8.6%: . This benefit increase may be helpful to current retirees, but it will damage the already fragile funding of the program.

Upcoming January 6 hearings: Tuesday, June 21, at 1 pm Eastern (10 am Pacific); Thursday, June 23, 3 pm Eastern (noon Pacific). The delayed June 15 hearing has yet to be rescheduled: .

Judge Luttig intentionally spoke slowly at January 6 hearing: . This is an important rebuttal to those who criticized his method of delivery.

The case for treason against Orange Julius: . Here is another perspective from another former prosecutor: . Boston Globe endorses/demands OJ prosecution: . Me, too.

Texas GOP declares itself fact-free: . This really is bafflingly stupid. Texas’ electoral votes went to Orange Julius. That’s your total say in this matter. Could you all please tattoo an “L” on your forehead and save the rest of us valuable time?

Searching the GOP for 2024 nominees: . Niall Stanage may be the associate editor of The Hill, but this article is a strong indicator he does not have a future as a political analyst. As to these 7 “potential” GOP nominees for President, he had to stretch way too far to come up with this excessive list. First of all, the GOP will nominate a white male, so we can scratch Kristi Noem, Nikki Haley and Tim Scott even before we get to their considerable problems as national candidates.

Next, as the article notes, no one likes Ted Cruz, and he’s already run and lost. As to Mike Pence, he has the dual problems that OJ supporters think he’s a traitor, and people who want to move past OJ would hardly vote to nominate OJ’s vice president. The good news is that Pence will draw money away from other candidates.

This shortens the list to DeMentis and Pompeo. These guys are running so hard to the right that while they might gain the GOP nomination, it is hard to see them winning a general election. Their only path would be to mercilessly attack the Democratic nominee, who may or may not be Biden. And if OJ runs, Pompeo, as the former Secretary of State, would seem to not be viable. So we are now down to OJ and DeMentis. However, the resulting destruction from that primary battle would be very difficult to overcome in the general election.

So, thanks for playing, Niall. However, I’ll put the previous paragraph up against your speculation. So let’s see how you do.

Fox News pays $15 million to settle former anchor’s gender pay disparity lawsuit: . Fox News issued a statement saying the former anchor’s claims “were entirely without merit”. So the $15 million payment was … a clerical error? Fox News: We lie to any fool who listens to us … I favor a law that would prohibit the use of “Fox” and “News” in the same sentence …

Mark Shields, longtime PBS political commentator, passes at 85: .

Best wishes to all who celebrated June 19 this year, which encompassed Juneteenth and Father’s Day!