News for June 11 — China COVID Cases Rise Again

China COVID cases rise again: . While these are very low case numbers, they continue to demonstrate that Zero COVID is unattainable and unmaintainable.

WSJ: The fight over hospital price transparency: .

Orange Julius reorganizes the deck chairs on the SS Loser: . Who is kidded by this BS? OJ bailed on Brooks when Brooks was falling in the polls. OJ is now behind Britt because she has a substantial lead in the runoff. All OJ is doing with his “endorsements” is trying to pick the winner so he can claim he helped them. The real lesson here is that you can be loyal to OJ, as Brooks has been, and ignore the fact that loyalty is a one-way street with OJ. As in, Mike Pence “deserved” to be hanged.

Rudy Giuliani says OJ had nothing to do with January 6: . Rudy’s comments are becoming increasingly bizarre, if that’s possible. Meanwhile, the DC Bar hits the Rude Dude with ethics charges: . So, if you face formal charges for spreading misinformation, spreading more does not seem like a rational response.

Thursday night viewership of Fox versus the committee hearings: . Sigh. Analysis is pretty much dead in the media. My take: As there are 331 million Americans, Fox had less than 1% of the population watching (very encouraging); the hearings had 5.7% of the population watching; and 93.3% of Americans watched something else or nothing. Estimates I heard of viewership before the hearing were “10 million or more”, so the over 19 million viewers seems encouraging.

As to Fox’s “no commercials” on the Carlson and Hannity shows, no one is mentioning the possibility that some companies may have requested that Fox not air their commercials because of potential consumer backlash. Fox could have made that programming decision for basically the same reason: to protect their advertising revenue. Fox was heavily criticized from many quarters for this decision.

WSJ: Gun control rallies across the country: . Photos: .

Citizen call helps police prevent white nationalist riot at gay pride event: . Northern Idaho has long been a center of white nationalist activity. I guess these losers came in from around the country in some sort of effort to protect their turf. So far police have only charged them with a misdemeanor, which in my view seems unacceptable given the allegation and the evidence.