News for May 30 — White House Long COVID Initiatives

White House long COVID initiatives: . Sadly, the many individuals experiencing the symptoms of long COVID are also struggling to get their insurers and employers to recognize the condition. Here is a brief article summarizing the initiatives: .

WSJ: Paxlovid now leading at-home treatment: .

Post-Paxlovid COVID rebound: . Note that this affects only about 2% of patients, none of whom have required hospitalization.

WSJ: More infant formula heads to the US: .

Shanghai continues on the path of gradual reopening: . More: .

But COVID cases increase in Beijing: . The numbers seem low enough that contact tracing plus lockdowns and quarantines could still squelch this outbreak.

North Korean “fever” cases continue: .

WSJ: Senate gun law discussion continues: . Coming up with nothing is not an option morally. So hopefully it is no longer seen as a political option.

EU to ban 90% of Russian oil by year end: . While less than a full, immediate ban, it is essential to continue to ratchet up the economic pressure on Russia. WSJ: More: .

US chooses not to send long range missiles to Ukraine: . The US restricts itself to providing (arguably) defensive weapons, which seems wise. More: . The BBC reporting is more specific, and seems reasonable.

French journalist killed in Russian attack on humanitarian convoy: . The daily reports of Russian war crimes will serve to further isolate them from the international community for a very long time.

Police delay in Uvalde likely caused a shot girl to bleed to death: . I am completely repulsed by any picture of “Lyin’ Ted” Cruz. That has been true for some time, but this incident has magnified my disgust.

$2.5 million raised for Uvalde’s Garcia orphans: . So what do you suppose Greg Abbott and Ted Cruz contributed? Right, a lifetime of power-hungry incompetence. More: .

Is the pound in serious trouble?: . Currency calls this negative are rare. However, the current tussle over the Irish border is but one of the lingering Brexit problems that seem likely to cause pain for the UK.

Wait, what? Building your company by shutting it down: . This podcast transcript discusses the decision at Real, a mental health start-up, to shutter the company for one week at the end of every quarter. Their idea is to create a culture of paid time off as a shared experience. This benefit is in addition to other PTO.

This is one of the most out-of-the-box ideas I’ve seen recently. So, you might give this some thought as a brainstorming starting point for how you use your time off. But if you’re mostly retired, as I am, time off is your full-time job. Still, thinking this through may add some perspective to how you use your time.