News for May 21 — Dying from COVID for Orange Julius

Dying from COVID for Orange Julius: . Yes, I know many readers consider this as another example of natural selection, but it’s still sad.

Infant formula airlifts begin: .

Pelosi denied Communion over abortion stance: . We’ve already been here with Joe Biden: . In that case, Biden ultimately responded that the Pope had given him Communion, and that pretty much ended the matter. I would guess that Speaker Pelosi has also received Communion from the Pope. Also, the Pope has already warned priests about this: .

More on the monkeypox spread: . The detective work does not strike me as difficult. There are at least two strains of monkeypox, Central and West African. Which is involved in the European and North American cases? This is easy to determine through genetic sequencing. If that sequencing shows new variations, that would be a strong indication that the mutation has altered transmissibility. The reference to young men raises the question of whether they are gay, since monkeypox transmission typically occurs from close contact. Is contact tracing being done?

Shanghai takes baby steps toward easing of lockdown: .

Ginni Thomas’ efforts to overturn the 2020 election: . Let’s say some things that everyone who thinks is thinking. The only reason anyone would take a call from Ginni Thomas is that she is the wife of a Supreme Court justice. Otherwise, she is beyond nobody. This means that her behavior does in fact create conflicts of interest for her husband.

How bright is Ginni Thomas? Well, who do you know that would describe encouraging an insurrection as “her work” – in the press, no less. Still, there is a good chance she is brighter than her husband. Clarence, as noted in the article, whines about the undermining of institutions such as the Supreme Court. Clarence has repeatedly said that the Court should not consider precedent binding. Simply put, without stare decisis there is no law – the Court just becomes the majority opinion of the 9 people sitting on it at the time. THAT lunacy undermines the Supreme Court, you dunce. WSJ: Woods withdraws from PGA Championship: .